Vihma hadn't been comfortable being unclothed. Sure, it wasn't in front of the entire crew as she'd almost been before, and in any case she had her fur and her tail to obscure with, but she'd been uncomfortable nevertheless. Still, shedding the damp, cold clothes had been necessary - the doctor had said as much - and though her instinct had been against getting wet once more, the warm water of the bath was soothing.
There was something to be said, too, for bathing with company. She'd thought that would make her yet even more uncomfortable, but now, once more stuck snugly together with Morgan, the weasel felt strangely at ease. Strangely was the key word. She felt strange. Safe, especially after the cold, and almost losing her friend, but almost dazed in a way.
The ferret had her arm around her shoulder, drawing them near as they'd been before. She didn't want to shrug off that embrace, no more than she wanted to leave the warm water for the colder air. Those conditions were inextricably linked, but more than that, she wanted Morgan's arm there - to feel secure that she wasn't going anywhere without her.
Only the talk of the upcoming performance took her out of her happy daze some. Truth be told, she hadn't thought she'd be subject to that punishment. Still, it made sense for her to be - and it made sense for her to help anyway.
The weasel squirmed slightly - gently holding onto the arm wrapped around her, and keeping herself snug against Morgan, even as the ferret set herself deeper into the water.
"Dunno 'ow much singin' I can do, supposin' it's just the two o' us 'n yer lute, Silvie. Bets a lot on the crew bein' with us on that."
She assumed, though not without reason, that Silvertongue - maybe even Greeneye - had been roped into the same mess she was now. That was either unfortunate for them, or kind of them. In any case, she was glad have them with her again, though it occurred to her they could incur the officers' wrath just as easily now.
"Asides, I reckon the captain will want t'see whatever we come up with ahead o' time, neh? Thought 'e said as much in 'is... speech. Might've missed somethin' from where I was, though."
Vihma looked over to the ship's doctor then. She'd been tempted to voice her mind a bit, critique the Minister's public announcements in some way. The weasel didn't think the stiff and stern old marten would appreciate such talk, and in any case it didn't accomplish much. Morgan was safe, and there was no need to fan the flames on a fire that had already burned out.