Vihma was feeling warmer just being out of the wind. There was more to it - the Hide just seemed warmer than her previous ship, perhaps on account of the infernal device MinoInn had built inside its hull. She was welcome to it now, stumbling through to the infirmary with her arms over her chest, still desperate to retain the core heat she felt slowly returning.
She entered with Silvie and the ship's doctor already in discussion about what to do with Morgan - who, thankfully, looked to still be breathing, still conscious, if only barely. There seemed to be some argument over the best course of action to bring her back to warmth.
The weasel looked to both of them in turn, trying to get a measure of who might be right. Though she'd survived such cold as even the icy waters around Urk before, it'd been more by staying warm and dry to begin with. Those who hadn't had that good fortune didn't fare well, and there hadn't been much in the ways of hot water nor time to save them all. Perhaps a hot bath would have helped.
Besides, certainly the bespectacled pine marten knew what he was talking about, being physician on the flagship of the Imperial navy. At the very least, he had to have better things in mind for their health than the Minister who'd seen them to be punished in this way.
Vihma mulled it over, though ultimately deciding not to weigh in on the matter. She'd already made a fool of herself abovedecks. Why dig the hole deeper here below, talking about things she didn't know anything about?
"G-gotta get 'er warm s-somehow. But s-some new clothes 'n a blanket would be n-nice, eh?"
Though no longer freezing, nor soaked, she still felt cold - Silvie's shirt the only warm, dry clothing she had on, with even that starting to become cool and damp from the residual moisture she'd still had in her fur.