Ministries and Departments of the Imperium

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Duke Talinn Ryalor

Minister of Innovation
Staff member
Ministries and Departments
Ministries and the Mayor

Ministry of Innovation
Little is known about the Minstry of Innovation. Very little. It maintains a corner office in the capital, but the office contains only a suggestion box and nothing else. It is said that the MinoInn is responsible for most of the Imperium's frequent and non sequitor technological advancements. The Ministry of Innovation rouses little interest from the other Ministries. Despite the important role it plays in the imperium, it is isolated and the Minister rarely intervenes in domestic politics, preferring instead to focus on his innovations.

The Current Minister of Innovation is Duke Talinn Ryalor.
Ministry of Peace and War

The Ministry of (Foreign) War and (Domestic) Peace is dedicated to, when requested by the glorious Empress, going out and bringing barbarian lands under her control, and defending the lands of the Vulpine Imperium. The Minister of War, or MinoWar, is also responsible for maintaining law and order among the citizens of the great Vulpine Imperium when the Fogey Police cannot do so and for defending the person of her Majesty via the elite Stoatorian Guard.

The Current Minister of War is

Ministry of Misanthropy
The Ministry of Misanthropy, Thievery, and Generale Skullduggeries- also known as MinoMis- runs its offices in The Mysterious Building on 59th Street. Run by the "Director", the MinoMis is said to be the most cash-effective and efficient of all the Imperium's ministries. It is considered unwise to discuss exactly what this ministry does. The Minister is expected to keep office hours, like any other member of the Imperium's vast bureaucracy, so that he may be summoned for duty at any moment. This is not always the case, however, with the Minister of Misanthropy often keeping to his own schedule which cannot be rushed. The Minister of Misanthropy is the Director of the Director's Beasts.

The Current Minister of Misanthropy is

Ministry of Niceties
The Ministry of Niceties, Cultures, Arts, and Information- also known as the MinoNice- runs the Imperium's museums, colleges, libraries, Opera House , as well as its newspaper, The Saturday Evening Smelt , and the National Archives. Just recently, the Ministry has allowed The Imperium Musician's Association to own one of it's out-of-use concert halls. The Unsmudgables are very closely tied to the Ministry of Niceties, though neither fully control the other. The Unsmudgable's leader is under command of the MinoNice so long as the they do not command the Unsmudgables to do something against their beliefs.

The current Minister of Niceties is
Ministry of Commerce
The MinoCom, or Ministry of Commerce, Finance, Trade, and Business is located in the Hrumvet Hooper Building, a large and beautiful edifice that's 10% offices, 30% presses, and 70% vaults. It is often said that the majority of the MinoCom's employees cannot count, but there is very little proof of this. This Ministry deals with tax collection, imports, exports, private businesses, and the stock market. It also squabbles with the Ministry of Misanthropy for control of Gambling. It is known to have solid connections with the Kreehold Mercenary Company and is rumored to employ them for various purposes.

The current Minister of Commerce is
Mayor of Bully Harbor
The Mayor is the ruler of Bully Harbor, only second to the Emperor himself. The Mayor is on the same level of power as the Ministers, though not considered a minister. The Mayor is also the leader of the Fogeys, which he commands to protect the city and maintain law and order.

The current Mayor is


The Imperial Navy

The Naval Flag (also the flag of the Imperium proper).
Motto "Si desidemur, depressi summus!"
-If we sink, we're sunk!

The heart of the Imperium's power and under the command of the Minister of War, the Navy is where the vast majority of the Imperium's budget goes. From protecting traders to raiding barbarians to defending against the encroachment of other powers, she is the pride of the Empress. Many beasts, new and Imperium-born, join the navy for the unparalleled opportunity, adventure, and copious amounts of cheap alcohol.

The Imperial Army

The Army, though not the main military force of the Imperium, has been important in the Imperium's history, playing an important role in more extended land campaigns that the Navy cannot carry out by itself and defending the territories of the empire until naval backup can arrive. The Army in recent years, particularly its artillery components, were used in defensive wars and the Imperial Civil War in recent years.
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