Official Factions of the Vulpine Imperium
What are factions?
What are factions?
Factions are player run organizations either led by a Minister or by a group of players for some particular goal or purpose. They primarily operate on land in Bully Harbor but sometimes travel within and out of the Imperium for particular plots. They serve a variety of purposes from law enforcement to intelligence to crime and mercenary work. It is generally recommended that one joins a faction that is active and that fits their character goals. You can either join an existing faction run by the Ministers or the Mayor or create your own and have them added to this page, but you will need a certain minimum amount of active players to make it viable.
Official Imperial Factions
These are factions run by the Ministers and the Mayor and are official site-wide factions.
The Stoatorian Guard
The Stoatorian Guard is an elite military organization under the Minister of War responsible for the direct protection of the Empress and by extension her realm. They are defined by their indefatigable loyalty to the Empress, her Imperium, and the Minister of War, no matter how noble or dark the orders they receive may be. Historically they have been called up to defend internal order when the Fogeys are overwhelmed, to defend Bully Harbor from Bully Harbor, and occasionally even get into conflicts other Imperial factions such as the Unsmudgables, The Director's Beasts, the Fogeys, and the Kreehold Mercenary Company.
The Director's Beasts
(By BucketFox on Deviantart)
The shadowy Director's Beasts are the spies, thieves, covert operatives, criminals, and elite muscle reporting directly to the Minister of Misanthropy, referred to as The Director. They are both the internal and external intelligence service of the Imperium, and are widely known for the use of questionable moral tactics to carry out the will of the Empress through her chosen MinoMis. Historically they have often run afoul of the much more noble Unsmudgables who find their tactics repulsive, are mistrusted (perhaps a lot of the time quite rightly considering multiple Emperors became so after a term as Minister of Misanthropy and the untimely disappearance or death of the previous Emperor overlapping with their term) by the Stoatorian Guard, are disliked but tolerated by the Fogeys so long as they are acting in an official capacity, and have had a decent working relationship with the Kreehold Mercenary company.
In many aspects the opposite of the Director's Beasts, the Unsmudgables under the loose control of the Minister of Niceties are those known for their upstanding and uncompromising moral character, hence their name. They can be found helping those in need regardless of their social or economic status in the Imperium, protecting the various cultural properties of the Imperium, and are known for being fierce and determined fighters against what they consider to be evil. Historically this has brought them into frequent conflict with the Director's Beasts, various criminal organizations, and even the Kreehold Mercenaries, Fogeys, and Stoatorian Guard when they consider their actions be less than the proper moral course, for the Unsmudgables the ends do not justify evil actions.
The Fogey Police Force
The Fogey Police Force, under the command of the Mayor of Bully Harbor who is the closest thing that the Imperium has to a Minister of Justice, is the regular law enforcement agency of the Imperium. Armed with batons and wearing drab grey uniforms, they take on the unenviable but noble task of ensuring Her Majesty's laws are followed on a day to day basis. They are in frequent conflict with the various criminal organizations that sprout up in Bully Harbor and across various settlements and have been known to occasionally tussle with other Imperial factions over their jurisdiction or the actions of their members.
Kreehold Mercenary Company
A mercenary group serving under the Minister of Commerce, they have been seen as a bit of a wildcard in recent years in the Imperium, for they are willing to do anything for gilders and the one with the most of them in Imperium short of the Empress herself is the Minister of Commerce whose loyalties often shift depending on what is most profitable at any given time. They have been known to both help and hinder all the other Imperial factions based on what is expedient for them, with the only notable moral standard they hold to is not taking contracts on behalf of foreign powers as a condition of them being allowed to operate on Imperial soil.