World Map and Locations of the Vulpine Imperrium

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Duke Talinn Ryalor

Minister of Innovation
Staff member
Map and Locations of the Vulpine Imperium

Vulpinsula & Surroundings

Vulpinsula and its surrounding islands, which lie in the Sea of Calamities, are all that remain of the Beastiolia island chain, which was sunk by some untold disaster ages ago. It is probably the most important place in all the Imperium, as Vulpinsula is the seat of Imperial power and the primary center of trade. All flagships of the Imperial Navy make berth here in Bouillabaisse Harbor, or Bully Harbour.

On the isle of Vulpinsula itself you will find the towns of Amarone, Bully Harbour, Length, Maquistry Cape, Tully Shore, and Kenny's Bunk Pointe.

Surrounding Vulpinsula are many small islands, which are as follows: Urk, Petroa, Parva and the Borfurt Shallows which connect it to Downel, and Smufum Beach .


The capitol of the the Vulpine Imperium, Amarone is first and foremost the home of the Empress and is treated with almost as much reverence as She is. The city is perched among the low hills of inland Vulpinsula and it has been said that one can see every coast on the island from the Empress's Palace (though none but the most important have been inside, and they have been sworn to secrecy, as any documentation regarding to the palace's interior is strictly prohibited and punishable by death)

Amarone is the cleanest city in the Imperium. The Empress has accomplished this bragging right by not allowing anyone to live outside the Palace Complex and hiring an elite crack-force of sanitation workers to scrub the city every night. Indeed, most speculate Amarone is merely a city for show, as the only beasts living there are the Empress's personal servants. Of course, it is also said the Empress has so many servants that it does take a whole city to house them all.

Aside from the Palace, the city contains an Art Museum and Archive, though practically no one is allowed to enter. A single, well-traveled road connects Amarone to Bully Harbour, and nothing gets in or out of the city without careful inspection, usually by members of the Stoatorian Guard .

Bouillabaisse Harbour (Bully Harbor)

Bully Harbor, also known as Bouillabaisse Harbour, is the main port for the Naval Fleet and is home to the Ministries that control the Imperium. Though not the capital of Vulpinsula, it hosts all of the Ministries main buildings and the primary naval port and warehouses-- though one could easily argue that it is the heart of Vulpinsula and the Imperium. Bully Harbor is comprised of five residential districts. In order of wealth they are: The Slups, The Barracks, Imperial Condos, Zann's Backyard, and the Insanely Rich Area. Bully Harbor also has a business district, centered in the Trenches, but reaches to such areas as: Zann's Alley, Zann's Backyard, the Market, and the Northern Warehouses. The Docks are separated into five main areas, reaching from the lowly Fishminister's Dock to the Imerial Jetty. The primary wealth of the Harbor comes from these docks, so even the Fishminister's Dock is in prime condition and commonly traveled.


The northernmost tip of the Vulpinsula. Its a fairly decent area, mostly mixes of sand and pebble beaches, with the occasional rocky inlet. Trade here is scarce, as there are no towns along its coast save for a few lone fisherbeasts huts. Fishing here is fairly popular, since the shallows and rocky grottoes draw in many rock-dwelling fish species.The only reputable feature of Length is that it is the site of the Imperial University. Anyone with the right connections or the right amount of gilders can get in, and will hopefully have some sense drilled into them.

Maquisty Cape

Maquistry Cape, east from Length and across a wide bay, is the second most important port in the Vulpine Imperium. Though much smaller than Bully Harbour, the port is a great deal cleaner and has a much lower crime rate than its larger cousin. There are many quaint venues here that attract beasts from across Vulpinsula, mostly used to bring in tourists.

There is a great deal of trade between the Cape and the East Tookumberry Key. The port is, in fact, the primary center of imports from the Key. With so much trading going back and forth, a sea-route has since been charted and marked on any good merchants maps.

A great portion of the Imperium's manufacturing capability is vested in the port.

Tully Shore

Tully Shore, on the southeastern coast of Vulpinsula, is a pleasent streatch of coastline to visit. Its beachs are made up of powder-fine sand, its warm waters are clear and free of pollution and the waves always lap gently against the shore. The grassy bluffs along Tully Shore slope gently down to to meet the sand. It is, in the mind of many beasts, the epiphany of the word "vacation."

Because of this, the Rich and Really Quite Insanely Rich keep many summer homes along the Shore. During the warmer months, they can be seen grouped along the beach, sitting under their frilly umbrellas and making rude "Hmphing" noises at their neighbors. Its a chance for the elite to socialize, gossip and generally try and climb the social ladder. The culture of the Rich is an alien one to the average citizen and so many writers and academics gather there as well to study these unsual customs in hopes of finding out what it all means.

Kenny's Bunk Pointe

The southernmost tip of the Vulpinsula, where a small town of the same name sits. No one is exactly sure who Kenny was, and why the Point was named after his bunk. This continues to baffle historians to this day.

Kenny's Bunk Point has quite the reputation, being in all sense of the term a "tourist trap." Indeed, the town came into being mostly to try and tempt sightseeing beasts into spending their gilders on cheap junk. At first, the Point drew in beasts who sought to observe certain large, sea-dwelling creatures that would pass it during the winter months. Eventually, some clever beasts hit upon the idea of exploiting this to earn profit, and thus the town appeared, initially offering "Certain Large Sea-Dwelling Creature Cruises." These yachting expeditions, ranging from one to three hours in length, still pull in the cash to this day.

It's not a good idea to visit Kenny's Bunk Point if you value your money. The citizens will hound you, annoy you and even prevent you from leaving until you've bought at least one of everything.


Also known as the Northernmost Frumplin, Urk is a frigid dot of tundra inhabited by ruthless pygmy shrews nearest to the field of iceburgs. It is one of a very few places in proximity to Vulpinsula which has not been conquered.

There is no trading between the Imperium and Urk. Leave it alone. If you find yourself on Urk, the best suggestion is to get off, and quickly before you're gobbled up by shrews.


Petroa is a somewhat bland, rocky island due north of the Vulpinsula. There's not much to see or do on Petroa, the island being little more than some scraggly trees and precipitous crags. Much like Length, the few beasts living there eke out a meager existence by fishing. If one seeks to get away from busier society and can fend for themselves, this is an ideal spot, where one usually isn't bothered.

Oddly, the island has generated some bizarre and eager ideas in the minds of entrepreneurs, and ownership of land on the island has gone from contested to so befuddled no one really bothers with the legalities anymore. One former landowner had plans to convert most of the island into something akin to a park, but with a carnival set up that never packed up and left. Unfortunately he was taxed into submission under shady circumstances and was forced to give up his plans for the so-called "amusement park." In more recent years, eager realtors have been trying vainly to sell property there. The sleepy island just doesn't generate enough interest in the public.


Another island near Vulpinsula, Parva has been nicknamed the "Smallest" Island with good reason. The island was small to begin with, but is now crowded with the homes of well-off beasts. Parva is popular to those who want a more upscale atmosphere then nearby Downel and who have enough gilders to do so. There are several nice- yet private- gardens and verandas on the island, and when the right wind blows it carries some lovely flowery scents to Downel and to anyone crossing the Borfurt Shallows.

Bofurt Shallows

Connecting Downel and Parva is a long sandbar called the Borfurt Shallows. At the right time of day, one can walk briskly from one island to another. Most creatures use shallow boats, however.


Located southeast of Kenny's Bunk Point near Vulpinsula , Downel is thankfully larger than its sister island, Parva. It's never very crowded on Downel, even during tourist season- after all, it's an island where creatures go to sit in the warmer sun and enjoy themselves. It has an excellent view of the Sea of Calamities. Downel is home to Smufum Beach, probably one of the more famous sights in the Imperium .

Downel is also noteable for its rich vineyards. The climate there suits the growing of grapes and berries in the production of fine wines, and they usually sell for a high price. Those who can afford it won't ever tell you've they've hated Downel wine, and the Rich often demand their spirits come from the island specifically.

Smufum Beach

A rather famous beach which sports numerous coral reefs and has begun to see the development of resorts and a tourist industry, good for beasts looking to get away from it all. Often offers discounts to beasts of the Imperial Navy on shore leave.


Southeast of Vulpinsula, just on the marked edge of the Sea of Pleasantries, is the large and foreboding isle of Magh. Large because, for its lonesome position in the sea, it could rival Resolution for size. Foreboding due to its enigmatic nature. Magh is the known headquarters of the Ministry of Innovation and there is rumor they keep their secret labs in tunnels beneath the island's surface. It is unknown what exactly goes on beyond Merith Cove, Magh's lone port, and anybeast that has ventured into the island's interior has never been seen again.

Noteworthy (and non-confidential) locations on Magh include Merith Cove and the Windthrift Caves.

Merith Cove

Merith Cove is Magh's only known settlement (although rumor persists that the Ministry of Innovation keeps a hidden harbor somewhere else), located on the southernmost tip of the island. It is a rather boring place, with little to actually draw anyone in. There's no real entertainment, no decent pub, and anybeast that heads inland will surely vanish without a trace. Merith Cove is, however, a top producer of various luxuries. This business keeps the town running.

Aside from a few mysterious warehouses, there's really not much else to say about Merith Cove.

Windthrift Caves

On the northern coast of Magh is a rocky, dangerous cove, where tidal openings lead into a series of caves. It is treacherous trying to battle the surf and get a boat into the entrance, wherein lies a wide subterranean lagoon. From there, several tunnels branch away and form a maze of dark, winding passages and vast caverns where one could easily get lost or stumble into a pitfall. Rumor has it the caves were once a branch of the supposed Ministry of Innovation tunnel network that have since been sealed off.

East Tookumberry Key

A chain of islands far southeast of Vulpinsula, across the Sea of Calamities, East Tookumberry Key is a socialist Utopia. The Vulpine Imperium lets them do mostly as they please and trades with the beasts. Geographically, the Key contains some of the most rich and beautiful islands in the Imperium, featuring pleasant warm shores with many exotic and colorful plants, and a clear sea teeming with a multitude of sea life. Many beasts living on the Imperium's more drab islands (particularly Resolution) dream of living there. That's all most do, however, dream. Property there is scarce, and the prices of ownership have risen drastically within the last few years. It seems the only way to live there is to already be living there.

Being a popular destination for tourists and seafarers alike, the Key has many unique and interesting sights, including: Croper's Cove, East Tookumberry, Berford Island, Tucket Rock, and Wultlie Lagoon.

Croper's Cove

Croper's Cove is a small cove in the East Tookumberry Key, on an island that has yet to be named for unknown reasons. Though small, the sandy shore along the cove's length is composed of almost entirely black sand, the only known shore of its kind in the Imperium. You'd think this alone would be enough to give it attention, but no. Most beasts couldn't care less about the color of the sand. It's just sand, after all. What intrigues most beasts is what could potentially be under the sand. A local legend claims that the cove was once the hideout of the Ivory Corsairs, a band of successful pirates, in days of yore. Furthermore, it states that one out of every five pirates has their stash on the cove (usually idiots who believe in fictitious ideas of pirates burying their booty), that sometimes you can just stick a spade in the ground, without a map at all, and strike gold.

East Tookumberry

East Tookumberry is the capital and trading center of the East Tookumberry Key, and is also the Key's largest island. East Tookumberry is the seat of a socialist utopia. The Imperium provides the islands miliatry protection in exchange for exclusive trading rights. It imports berries, grapes, dyes, luxuries, timber and fish. It does not need much fish, but the Tookumberry citizens are partial to species which don't live in their waters.

It is much warmer than other places in the Imperium, despite its close proximity to colder currents. Due to its balmy climate and generally eye-catching scenery. Unfortunately, because it's such a nice island, it suffers from overpopulation, and the locals are slowly but surely running out of room to expand without damaging the lovely flora and fauna. It is getting rather stressful to manage, especially considering the socialist philosophy.

Still, it is a destination if you like to go and look at pretty things. Many beasts go just for the location while ignoring the philosophy of the locals It really is a nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there unless you are a dirty socialist after all.

Berford Island

This small, sandy little island north of East Tookumberry is surprisingly infamous for such a benign looking place. The only foliage being swaying sea grasses and a few washy palms, it has been the sight of many a marooning. The bones of unfortunate sailors are said to lie buried just under the sand, and great care is taken to avoid this island. Unless, of course, you're a scoudrel that wants to maroon someone. Then this island fits the bill perfectly.

Legend also has it a mysterious phantom vessel can be seen on moonless night in the waters surrounding Breford Island, sailing in circles around it as if on patrol. Some say it is crewed by the poor, restless souls who met their ends stranded there, but that doesn't make sense. If they were marooned, why would they have a ship? Most say it's rubbish, and that it should be ignored. However, this doesn't stop beasts from taking the long way around when there's no moon out.

Tucket Rock

A barren, rocky island in the seas between Wultlie Lagoon and Croper's Cove. Tucket Rock is too bleak and inhospitible for anybeast to live on. Its mostly windswept, its windward shore a craggy cliff face leading straight into crashing waves below while its leeward side is little more than a sharp, stony slope with a few scraggly plant here an there. The only creatures that live there are wild seabirds, which nest within the Rock's outcrops and ledges. The sound of their wheeling cries can be heard above the surf near the island (and sometimes the smell of the birds will overpower any brine in the air).

Sailors treat Tucket Rock as a sort of landmark, usually passing it or travelling around it on voyages in the East Tookumberry Key. Many a sea shanty has mentioned the Rock in its lyrics (and many more the aroma of the birds nesting there). Incidentally, the Rock is also popular for bird-hunting.

Wultlie Lagoon

A popular vacation spot, Wultlie Lagoon is a sheltered area of remarkably clear water north of Croper's Cove. Surrounded by high, fern-covered cliffs, this lagoon is home to many dazzling species of fish and sea creatures. Diving is very popular here for those who can hold their breath long enough, as nearly all the creatures living in the lagoon are harmless. Occasionally, however, a less friendly (and more hungry) creature pays the lagoon a visit, so diving is done at one's own risk.

The waters of the lagoon are fairly shallow, and as such few large vessels will willingly sail into it. The evidence of one such folly still remains in the form of a grounded galleon near the northwest part of the lagoon. The Mother of Pearl restaurant currently operates from the refurbished wreck, serving fine seafood cuisine in a nautical atmosphere. It caters largely to the visiting elite, though the upper decks are open for anyone willing to spend hefty gilders on fresh-caught delicacies. Supposedly, the Empress herself dines there on occasion, and gives the restaurant top marks. Thus, the Mother of Pearl enjoys the status of the East Tookumberry Key's most popular eatery.


Resolution is a low ring of an island near the East Tookumberry Key and the Sea of Pleasantries, near also to Vulpinsula. It is dry, boring, and a test of self-control and determination. Even interesting weather seems to skirt these islands for the more lush, interesting islands of the Key, making it generally dusty and almost blandly clear seemingly all the time. It produces luxuries, fish, spices, candles and needs cloth, timber, grain, potatoes, berries, and grapes and It is a regular stop on the Bully Harbour - Pricklee Pointe - East Tookemberry merchanting run.

The island, dull as it is, is known for three things: a place to careen one's ship, the origin of the term "island fever," and the site of the Imperium's only saltwater lake. Careening seems to be the only thing that brings ships to the island these days.


An islet just of Resolution's northern coast. Grunsfeld is a bleak, sandy place. Hot, dry and dismal, not many venture to this island. There's no point to, really, since there's nothing there but sand and the occasional boulder. At the dead center of the island, however, sits the only sight of interest; the dusty and abandoned relic of the Cabin Fever, the only tavern in the area of several miles once upon a time. It didn't enjoy the best business, and its poor location made it the only interesting thing in the area of Resolution for awhile, which is not saying much. What fate befell the place is shrouded in myth, but very few make an effort to go there. Some say it's haunted, while others claim a ghost would be right mad to want to come back to Grunsfeld at all. Thus, the sight is dismissed as a mediocre curiosity.


Coran is the nicest island around Resolution. It is vastly more interesting and exciting than the other islands in the chain. Unfortunately, that is not saying much.Coran has the largest settlement of the same name in the area, where it does meager trading with the East Tookumberry Key and Alton Bay to the south. Most beasts living on or around Resolution flock there, hoping for something to break the monotony of their lives. This results in a dirty, crowded little port with only one so-so tavern and scant few places to buy anything worthwhile. Unrest is fairly commonplace, as it gives the beasts there something to do. Naturally, most beasts give Coran a wide berth.


A tiny spit of island off Resolution. The largest debate on the drearily boring island of Welsith is, "is it an island at all?" Due to many misprints in nearly every map available, and a sandbar which is above the water level once every twenty-three years, it is almost a debatable point. Do not get into this argument with a creature from Welsith. With nothing else to do, they'll likely make great sport of it. Like the other islands around Resolution, there's not much to be said for Welsith.

The Mahsterious Sathern Continent

The Mahsterious Sahthern Cahninent (or mysterious southern continent, whichever is easier to understand), is just as the name implies. It is a massive, forested landscape that has long been an enigma to most vermin, and its coastline is dotted with small villages of woodlanders. Though its coast has long been a target of raids from the Navy to expand the borders of the Imperium, it is only in recent years that colonization has really taken shape on the continent.

The current Empress has set his sights on conquering this virgin landscape and ridding it of beasts who will not submit to her rule. Just how realistic this goal is is uncertain. But then again, the Empres's word is law. So far, the current Imperium-controlled locations are: Pricklee Pointe, Voil Village, Drustan Wood, Lighthouse, and Alton Bay.

If you were to draw a line on the map from East Tookumberry to Alton Bay and then to extend that line double its distance into the Mahsterious Sahthern Cahntinent, you would find a big forest with a path- and in the middle of that path, a red building which has lots of mice in it. Most citizens believe that civilization increases directly with proximity to the Vulpinsula and would shudder at the barbarity they could imagine from such detached locations as that.

Pricklee Pointe

Pricklee Pointe is the main settlement on the Mahsterious Sahthern Cahntinent, so named after the large and prominent peninsula it rests on. It is a fairly large fortified town, the bulk of the settlement surrounded by stockade walls and and the occasional watchtower, should anybeastattempt to take the Pointe. Its main production is timber, being in the middle of a large forest, which it supplies to a hungry Imperium.

From Voil Village and the Drustan Wood, it draws its imports. Pricklee Pointe is notable because it is one of the largest importers of fish, grain, potatoes, cloth, and candles. Fish, grain and potatoes, which can be found most anywhere else in abundance, are sold here at great profits. Pricklee Pointe has, not surprisingly, a bimonthly Fish, Grain and Potato Market Extravaganza, which is treated practically as a festival by enterprising merchants of the Pointe.

Voil Village
Voil is a large village and trading port, located a few miles southwest of the Lighthouse. Voil has also become the most notorious port-of-call on the Mahsterious Sahthern Cahntinent, due to its wild and lawless nature. Though founded with good intention and lofty aspirations in the service of the Imperium, over the years the town has dissolved into a collection of gambling halls, cheap pubs and other frowned-upon establishments. The crime rate there on a daily basis could rival that of Bully Harbor in a week, since the nightlife of Voil is full of drunken carousing, barfights and deadly confrontations.

This might be due to its remote location, far from the influence of the central Imperium and the Ministries. Many of Voil's visitors (and source of economy) come from bands of pirates that make berth there, where they do what pirates do. The place is also a fine haven for smugglers, rumrunners, cutpurses, vagabonds, con artitsts, card sharks, pickpockets, lockpickers, etc...

Drustan Wood

This small community is situated on the western coast of Pricklee Pointe, and is a chief supplier of timber to the Imperium. Its mostly a ramshackle collection of huts, a mill, and a barn for storage. Although a profitible venture, with timber in high demand, the woodland is treated with a sort of superstitious leeriness. So many trees, to a culture largely used to sandy islands, is an ominous sight. Many an eerie story has been told of what lurks in the foliage, and very few beasts who go to Drustan Wood stay very long.

Still, a few hardy souls continue to live and work there, unswayed by rumors of giant vole monsters or phantom lights (in some cases, these two are switched around to vole lights and giant phantom monsters. This doesn't help the reputation of the village anymore than the first two did). In addition to the lumber trade, the place has often been used as a last stop for would-be explorers into the depths of the continent. Most, if not all, of these adventurers never come back, and nobeast bats an eye about it ("Let the idiot get eaten by the light vole phantom of giant monstrosity").


A tall and somewhat imposing structure, located on the nothermost tip of Pricklee Pointe. It is a lonely place, the only towns being several miles away in either direction. Nevertheless, it does its job warning ships away from the treacherous rocks and shallows, as well as helping sailors mark where the Pointe begins. The beacon light can be seen far and wide, in both Drustan Wood and Voil Village even on cloudy evenings, and even reaches as far as Merith Cove on a clear night.

Alton Bay

The only Imperial settlement on the Mahsterious Sahthern Cahntinent that isn't on Pricklee Pointe. Alton Bay is a secluded little harbor town, almost due south of Resolution. Though expanding in recent years as a growing center of trade, Alton Bay is largely rural, supported by small farms and local lumber. Most of the beasts living here know how to survive off the land, and they only see a Missertross bird maybe once a month, if they're lucky.

Alton Bay is also the oldest Imperial settlements on the mainland, marking the place where the first civilized beasts made landfall. Very early on, it was merely a sheltered cove that the occasional vessel would make berth in, often to careen or collect supplies, though most did not linger long due to the presence of "primitives" lurking in the woods


Once an independent island kingdom of the Ryalor family of foxes who once ruled over the massive but now extinct Fyadorian Empire, it has submitted in recent years to Imperial rule after the Frimary 26th Incident in which its head Talinn Ryalor submitted to the Empress. Although formerly known as Eastisle as it was east of the Fyadorian continent, it is now known as Westisle for it is fairly far west from the Imperium. It consists of two islands, a larger one where most of the populace and productive capability lives, and a smaller one mostly used for farming, a retreat for scholars, and the extraction of resources. It is presently the first duchy of the Imperium. It exports minerals, refined industrial goods, foodstuffs, and in recent years large quantities of metal weapons and cannon for the Imperium due to the rich and varied deposits of metals found in its two mountain ranges.


The ancestral home of House Ryalor and the capital of Westisle, the noble household's name is directly derived from the Rya and Lor rivers which intersect in the settlement. It is known as "The Cupcake City" for its world-renowned cupcakes and for the unique style of its tufa stone and red tile houses that resemble them. It is guarded by the ancient and massive fortress of Storm's Peak which has recently been adorned with cannon and extensive coastal batteries set up to defend it and has been undergoing something of an industrial revolution at the insistence of the Minister of Innovation who sees his homeland serving as a bulwark against any encroaching western powers.
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