No picture anytime soon sadly.
No picture anytime soon sadly.
Age | 21 (Born 1743) |
Species | Weasel |
Gender | Female |
Height | Tall for a weasel, neh? Average, really. |
Weight | Growing up on the streets - and then 'joining' the navy - makes for a lean physique. |
Rank (Skill Rank) | Archer: Experienced Swordbeast: Experienced Brawler: Experienced Thief: Experienced |
Rank (Official) | HM Imperial Navy: Chief Petty Beast |
Born of two weasels from the opposite sides of the known (but so quickly forgotten by Imperial cartography) world, Vihma's fur is a wild, jagged mix of tawny and golden brown coloration, quickly fading into a more uniform white underside. She strikes an average or so height, all things considered, with a graceful, practical build.
For clothing, she often dresses plainly, or else in her naval uniform. One particular piece of tattered, perhaps faded cloth - perhaps recognizable to a rare few as the remains of an old MAUL mistcloak - holds some significance to her, and she sometimes wears it as either a scarf or neckerchief. The weasel tends to carry a knife on a belt, sometimes also a cutlass or her longbow, though only when expecting trouble.
Vihma owns very little but the clothes on her back, her weapons, and whatever the navy will give her.
Arrogant, boisterous, and fiercely independent, Vihma personifies a certain kind of the Bully Harbor spirit, and considers the place her home - holding little regard for the far-off lands her mother and father came from. Though raised with some small level of education before her parents' deaths, the city did much more to teach her about how the world truly works, and she proved a capable student, taking its lessons to heart as she skulked its streets and alleyways, hunting for an easy meal or spare gilders to get her by.
Always looking out for herself first, 'friends' - if any she had could truly be counted - a distant second, and anybeast else outside of consideration. Being pressed into the navy has changed little of her attitude or worldview so far - only reduced further her low opinion of honest work for honest pay.
Vihma is a capable fighter in a brawl, though her best gift there was always running away. She has a passing talent for the sword, that favored weapon of her mother, and a real skill with the bow, retaining a weapon of the same pattern her father once taught her to use.
Abrasive, headstrong, and selfish, Vihma is a poor fit for a military recruit. When in over her head, her first instinct is to save herself and abandon the rest. Moreover, she has a low opinion of non-vermin, who she considers either cowardly or duplicitous, and lizards, who she considers barbaric.
Vihma was once known as Vihmastaja Rhoodie, the daughter of Darastaja Reetur and Kai Rhoodie, both different flavors of exiled, humiliated nobility from far-off foreign lands. Kai, a former soldier of Felmar who took part in the invasion of Vulpinsula and was left behind after the Winter War, and Darastaja, who fled her homeland of Hrushka before she could be killed in a peasant uprising like the rest of her family, and made much of a name for herself in the Vulpine Imperium, committing various crimes and misdeeds before traveling wide as a mercenary. The two weasels met by chance at the bar Kai was working at, and hit it off to a degree. Vihma was the accident that ultimately brought them together, and they found healing, and maybe even happiness as a family.
This happiness was not to last, however. War soon came to their doorstep, and her father was taken away first, conscripted into one of the many factions vying for control over the Imperium, never to return. Amidst the unfolding chaos, beasts came to exact vengeance on her mother, her identity revealed through old mercenary contacts. Darastaja fought hard, protecting herself and her daughter from the sins of her past, but there were too many for her to handle alone. In the end, trying to pull a young, frightened Vihma along to some unknown safety, drenched in the blood of her enemies, and far too much of her own, she slumped to the ground, never to rise again.
The rest of Vihma's life was a mad blur, spent day by day, just trying to survive. She stole, first to feed herself, then for any number of the small street gangs that lived and died in short cycles in the Slups and throughout the harbor. Eventually she grew tall and strong enough to stand amongst them, a force all of her own. Stealing weapons, she moved into armed robbery, but it was then that her luck ran out - sold out by her own beasts, either for their own ambitions, or because she was drawing on too much attention. As luck would have had it, her young age and her father's service won her some leniency in the courts, her jail time suspended on the condition that she be enlisted in the navy.
She's been stuck there ever since.
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