Talinn watched the entire spectacle go down, contrary to what Morgan, Vihma, and Greeneye might think, not with some kind of sadistic pleasure, or perhaps only a bit if he were to be honest, but with a look of genuine concern flashing across his face. It was clear the beasts on the
Hide had spirit, but that was not enough to survive what was to come-and that was only the threats he could fathom, not the unexpected they could run into. He had seen plenty of beasts their age and younger die horribly thinking they knew better their than officers or due to a lack of discipline. For their own sakes, he
had to be harsh, and he was glad Ralynn was his instrument. Definitely marked for promotion in the future, both as a sign of the Empress’s more inclusive policies and because of her skill.
After the last bucket of water had been poured on the two and they began to climb the rigging, Talinn pulled out his golden pocketwatch, carefully maintained over sixty years and recently upgraded at the MinoInn’s facilities near Amarone, and checked the time. Then, he twisted a few golden buttons on it, setting the timer for one hour, and showed it to the Songfox before speaking and placing it down on the table before him.
“I do not know if you know how to tell time from this device from where you hail, and if not I will instruct you later, but you shall stand watch to make sure they do not come down and in one hour there will be a loud chime from it. At that point, Seabeast Morgan and her companion may come down, or, if they cannot manage, be hoisted down. They are then to be taken belowdecks, to the infirmary which is kept at a warm temperature due to the steam pipes, remove their wet clothes and be given new ones, and then given fresh blankets. Make sure they initially only wrap the blankets around their core, after a little while you may let them wrap it around their extremities as well. You may offer them warm drinks or broth, but such must not be alcoholic.”
Talinn paused, taking a drink from the big glass of water, before continuing.
“Failure to do the above according to my exact instructions could put your fellow crewbeasts at severe risk of injury or death, which is not my intention, and if such occurs, you will be responsible for it. So memorize what I have said and keep it close to your heart for now and future use in particularly cold conditions. Obtaining such knowledge was…” He paused, face darkening for a moment.
Taking a knife and slicing off a portion of the cod and then placing it on his fork, he dipped it into the tartar sauce, then placed it in his mouth. Surprisingly good, he thought, and his face brightened a bit as he continued to eat. After a little while, he spoke to his new aide once more.
“Once they have recovered, which should be in around an hour, they will have another hour, perhaps an hour and a half, to come up with their performance for the crew. The first part should be something lighthearted and comedic for the most part, either through tricks, jokes, antics, song and dance, or general buffoonery. Keep in mind the audience is not the most sophisticated and tends to like...’earthier’...elements to their comedy. The second part should be showcasing some kind of skill, whether that be with weaponry, rope, acrobatics, or some other useful and entertaining ability they might have.”
He paused, perhaps midway through his meal, and continued.
“You, and recruit Greeneye, if you wish to sacrifice some of your leisure time, may assist them in the planning and operation of the show. After it is done, their punishment will be concluded. At such point send both of them to me. And with that, Aide Songfox, you may take my watch and go to your assigned watch until it chimes. It seems that ten minutes have already passed.”
Waving the Songfox away, he continued his meal, finishing up most of it, and then turned to Gyles, whom he had noticed the slightest flicker of...something...earlier. Perhaps he had unwittingly broken some kind of new naval protocol? It had been over a decade since he had last commanded a ship himself. Much must have changed. He gave him something of an apologetic nod.
“Mate Stowett, while I have been both a seabeast and commanded as an officer in the past, my duties since the coronation of the Empress have left me precious little time to keep abreast of all the developments in the reformation of our Navy aside from their more technical aspects. Thus, my experience, while in general terms still being relevant, might miss some of the finer details, given that it occurred back when the Navy’s state was a bit more...rough...as it were.”
He poured a glass of rum, and then offered it to the stoat.
“As such, please forgive any statutes I may break, and bring them to my attention, and for now, please bear my leaning on you until such time as things are a bit more in order aboard the Hide. Clearly, the former Captain was...substandard...to say the least.”
Hoping he had made peace with the stoat as he took another glass of rum and then swallowed it, he spoke once more.
“We shall hold the meeting in the Captain’s quarters if you have no objections, this time with marines posted at the door to prevent any unwelcome interruptions.”
@Silvertongue Songfox @Ralynn Waverunner @Morgan Liu @Vihmastaja @Gyles