Talinn was a fox who had seen much in his over half a century of military training and discipline, having started his tutelage under his uncle Alexei when he was just a mere seven years old all those years ago in Fyador. He had seen, and disciplined, many soldiers and seabeasts of all stripes during that time, in all manner of situations, and indeed, had been under the command of others himself both in the Imperium and back in Westisle, especially in his youth. So he was not a stranger to being defied and how to deal with it. What did rather take him aback, however, was the fact that this Jill was walking so willingly into her own noose
despite his own attempts to help her by being lenient and
even letting beasts advocate for her. Mayhap he could have even overlooked her testimony in her own defense
until she deliberately mentioned his own family, who had indeed largely been blameless for the depredations done to them considering they had never actually been proved to break Imperial law*, and tried to
equate her own flagrant misbehavior with their persecution and then
on top of that even went so far as to
dare him to judge her.
He stared at her as if she were literally insane, a bewildered expression openly crossing his face which was very rare for a fox of his stature. For the first time in many years, he was actually speechless for a moment.
What in the actual name of Vulpuz’s mother?
Gyles, for his part, tried to softly intervene to save the Jill’s hide, chiding her, likely thinking the only way to save her was to paint her as drunk or had otherwise lost her mind. The Songfox, who had been so passionate before, looked aghast and then remained silent. Bosun Ralynn, to his surprise and to his approval, immediately began to exercise her right as Bosun to “start” the Jill, as they put it. The little rabbit he had recruited and helped to save from Alton Bay had become such a fierce thing. He looked for a moment like a proud father as he watched her do her duty properly with the rattan, and mentally noted to keep even more of a watch on her and her career. This one could grow into a fine Captain one day, mayhap even higher.
His thoughts and eyes flicked back to Gyles, whom he would have to talk to about several issues. He owed the stoat for his assistance when he was in trouble during the Empress’s celebration, but discipline had clearly been lax aboard the
Hide if Morgan even thought doing what she did was remotely permissible. He did not blame the stoat fully for that, rather the former Captain Coldsworth who had been removed from command for unsatisfactory performance, but going forward he would have to mentor him a bit more and have the
Hide be an example of peak naval discipline.
His eyes wandered over to the crew to try to gauge a sense of how they were feeling, and noted Greeneye among them. The rat seemed curiously quiet, nonchalant, and perhaps even a bit unimpressed, an interesting contrast to his partner’s seemingly much more deep care for Morgan’s fate. Perhaps she was considered a bit of a third wheel to his relationship, whatever it was, to the Songfox? Good to know, and perhaps even more important now because clearly the rat had come from a position where such insubordination meant swift death, meaning traditional discipline could be less effective on him than if he simply put pressure on his foppy fox companion to keep him in line.
All of this and we have not even begun the journey yet, Hellgates.
Thankfully, the rest of the crew was either silent or looking on with something of bewilderment at just how stupid she was. They may have been inspired a little by her speech, but whatever inspiration had come from there had been more than outweighed by her own stupidity in going too far with it. What a mess.
The Minister did nothing as the sound of rattan meeting fur echoed throughout the midmorning air, instead taking out a small bottle with a white substance in it, pouring a little bit of it into his spoon, then swallowing it. He washed it down with a bit of rum, which he knew he was not supposed to do, but this whole situation had already elevated his already considerable daily stress level. He then placed the bottle back into his jacket and continued to count the swings of the rattan as he thought about what to do.
Common soldiery should fear their officers more than they fear the enemy.
The words of his late uncle appeared in his mind, and yet, he knew, that while fear may motivate a beast to do their job, it would not inspire them to do more. One had to treat the common soldiery well when they did obey, to always be seen as present, strict yet fair, and looking out for their subordinate's interests. Talinn himself was already planning to dishonorably discharge the present quartermaster after seeing his interaction with Millie and ensure that his beasts had proper victuals, clothing, and equipment, even if military contractors needed to keep disappearing until they learned to not rip off the Navy.
After Ralynn had applied about forty rattan lashes to Morgan, which she should be lucky were simply hard thwacks with a thin cane instead of actual flogging which could do permanent damage instead of the likely month's worth of smarting and pain she was likely to feel, he raised his paw and voice, speaking clearly and loudly.
“You may stop now, Bosun.”
He motioned for the Songfox to come closer to him, and then as the fox did so, he whispered to him, voice cool and low.
“Your...friend...is forcing my paw in a certain direction that does not end well for her if she continues. I am going to offer her a choice of either submitting to my personal summary judgment or facing a board of courts-martial. The latter does not tend to end well for cases like hers.”
He looked directly in Silvertongue’s eyes, his own hard as flint.
“The price for leniency, due to her outburst, has gone up. If you truly wish to take some of her punishment, then, considering your literacy and other talents, you will be appointed as my Aide De Camp, in addition to your full regular duties as a recruit. You will write documents for me, you will clean, sharpen, and oil my blades and armor, you will entertain me as required, you will do my laundry, you will fetch my food, and do many other miscellaneous tasks for me, and you will do them to perfection. A normal crewbeast’s day is 12 hours per day, with eight to sleep and four for leisure. If you accept, expect a minimum of 16 hours per day with your additional duties. Any leisure time will come out of your sleep allotment, but be warned if you are not adequately rested enough to perform your duties, you could face punishment. This will continue until I deem otherwise, whereupon I may after your basic training is finished shift you to a regular schedule as my aide.”
He paused.
“Nod if you accept, and then you may go talk to that fool Morgan and see if you can convince her to publicly apologize and accept summary judgment when I offer it to her, and for her own sake, say nothing more. Further grandiosity will not be tolerated. And Silvertongue, the more her apology seems authentic and deep, the better."
Talinn waited for the Songfox’s response, then gave him time to speak to Morgan, and then gave a little more in the event either Gyles or Ralynn wished to try to get him to convince her to take the non-suicidal option. Then, rising from his chair, he spoke once more, hoping that the foppish little fox could work his magic on the idiotic jill. He did not relish the idea of sending her before a formal court and the much harsher punishment that could entail.
“Seabeast Morgan!” He bellowed, voice hard and loud enough for all to hear.
“You are now charged with an additional count of contempt towards a superior officer in addition to the original standing count of speaking out of turn. You may plead guilty and accept my summary judgment on this new count as you have already done on the original count, or you may plead innocent to one or both counts since you do not seem to think the count you already seemed to have pled to is a "just" charge and then make your case on both counts before a formal courts-martial. What say you?”
@Ralynn Waverunner @Gyles @Morgan Liu @Silvertongue Songfox
*Assuming, of course, one assumes that "Vaelora Ryalor" was a separate person from Armina Rogue, a truth Talinn tells himself and has actively tried to promote for the last decade to varying degrees of success.