The Urk Expedition

Talinn diligently moved his quill across the page, writing down each and every word the younger todd spoke while occasionally glancing up at the two, who appeared satisfactorily mortified enough for him to believe that they were telling the truth. He already had a feeling where this was going given their upbringing, which, to him was not particularly unique or unduly alarming: many, many an arrival to Bully Harbor had dubious pasts and beasts after them, lumps of coal in terms of immediate value. But with enough time and pressure, he had found, they could be turned into diamonds, which could then be firmly set into the Empress’s crown.

And, once upon a time, were we in a similar position? Falun, arriving in Bully Harbor with nothing but his name, chased by many beasts who would want him dead simply for having it. Not to mention Alexei and I…

He glanced up once more at the nervous fox.

“And the nature and the disposition of these beasts are…?” he glanced over at Greeneye for a moment, wondering if that was too advanced a word for the searat to understand, deciding to add a bit of clarification “That is, their size and general assets?”

@Silvertongue Songfox @Ralynn Waverunner @Gyles @Morgan Liu
"Well..." Silvertongue looked back at Greeneye, the rat in turn giving a cold look towards Talinn but remaining silent. "They're... there's a fleet of six ships in total. Made of Redwood. With a full crew on each ship. So I would say a couple of hundred beasts at best. Being lead by a really awful creature."
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"Look, if'n yer too afraid ter say it all o' da sudden, den I will." Greeneye decided to speak again. "It's pirates. We're bein chased by a fleet o' pirates, who's bein' lead by me farder. Who is in charge o' de entire fleet."

He didn't seem to be as afraid as Silvertongue as he kept speaking. "Aye, I suppose it ain't much of a shock based off o' me looks, but I was a pirate once. I gave up on all dat, though. Farder wouldn't 'ave approved o' dis, so I ended up runnin' an' draggin Silvie 'ere along."
@Silvertongue Songfox

Talinn glanced up at the pair for a moment, expression unreadable, before putting his quill back on the page and writing some more. Then, he asked a few questions, tone neutral and unconcerned.

“Is that a few hundred beasts in total, or a few hundred per ship? In terms of ships, what class(es) would you describe them as? What heavy weapons are the ships armed with, if anything? You said you were being chased-from which direction did you come from, that is, which direction on the compass, or if using stars to navigate, did you come from relative to the Harbor? Approximately how much of a head start did you have on them?”

Putting the quill down, he glanced up, piercing blue eyes matching the searat’s green.

“Did you ever, in your career, raid a settlement or ship carrying the flag of our Imperium? Or a flag with a blue background and a golden rose? Answer truthfully. I am empowered to grant immunity from prosecution for past offenses, but if you leave anything out, you may be charged for it later.”

"I'd roughly say about a hundred beasts on each ship." Greeneye nodded. "They got two brigs, two galleons, a schooner, an' a Clipper. Dey all got ballistas on em. and on der bigger ship these sort o' catapult things that can shoot oil lamps or whatnot to set things on fire."

Greeneye rubbed his chin a bit. "Well, we was followin der North Star, an dat's how we ended up 'ere. As fer how far behind us dey may be... dey are probably already here."

He raised an eyebrow at the last question. "I said I ain't ever been here before. How could I have attacked any place 'ere?"
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"What he means, sir Talinn, is no. Greeneye was mostly running the boat we were on. We did stop at a few settlements with the flags you mentioned, but that was just to get supplies."
Talinn nodded at the information, dutifully writing it down, then grabbed three more pieces of parchment. As he scribbled down brief messages on each of them, he reflected on the two beasts in front of them. A bit of an odd duo, but complementary, the fox clearly carrying water hard for the searat on social interactions with, for lack of a better word, the “better” classes, while the searat likely helped the fox in some more “practical” matters and interactions with the “common” folk. There was probably a lot more to their story, but he was decent at first impressions and Ralynn’s assessment was more or less accurate as far as he could tell. Workable material, if needing both fire and discipline to forge them into proper seabeasts of the Empress.

Reaching into his coat, he took out a small container of blue wax pellets, then removed the candle from the lamp on the desk, carefully placing it next to the documents. He then retrieved what appeared to be a small kind of cooking utensil, a deep spoon, put the pellets in it, then moved the utensil over the wax. Soon the pellets had boiled satisfactorily, and he rolled up three of the four pieces of parchment he had written on, then poured wax over them, using his ducal ring to carefully seal it. Then, he repeated the process, this time with red wax, and retrieving what appeared to be some kind of official Imperium stamp. Finally, he set aside the three rolls, while leaving the candle on the table, then seemingly finished up the original document he was working on. Then he sat back and glanced up at the two of them, rapping his paws on the desk for a moment before he spoke.

“I have judged you as being satisfactory for service in her Majesty’s navy,” he said slowly, meeting their eyes, “this comes with an array of benefits, but also obligations. You will receive an initial salary of two gilders and fifty pence per day, free basic meals, a weekly liquor allotment to be drawn at the ship’s mess of your choice between grog or commercial grade wine, free or discounted medical care, uniforms, basic weaponry, onboard lodging via hammock, optional banking services with the Ministry of Commerce up to and including preferred rates on loans secured against your salary, and an initial enlistment bonus, as you are volunteers, of seventy-five gilders per beast, and other incentives on the authorization of your captain within the limits of admiralty law. You will also receive temporary Imperial citizenship during your service, conferring a number of benefits too numerous to mention*, with the ability to apply for permanent naturalization upon completion of one year of service with good behavior subject to the discretion of her Majesty’s Ministers.”

He paused, taking a breath, then continued.

“Upon signing, your status is the same as I described that of the desk and Mate Stowett’s sword before. You become, in effect, shielded by the same principle**, from foreign associations and powers.”

Turning the document around and laying the quill to the side of it, he spoke again, although he was much more brief this time around.

“Of course, in return for these generous benefits her Majesty provides, you agree to be bound by both Imperial law and the Admiralty Code in their entirety, for a minimum contract length of one year, or, as beasts outside the Imperium refer to it, four seasons, with an option to renew upon your anniversary.”

He sat back, a slight smile crossing across his lips.

“You may sign either with your name or an X if you cannot. You may take some time to deliberate, however, I have many matters to attend to and this offer thus does not remain available for long.”

Turning towards Gyles, he continued while the Songfox and Greeneye discussed it.

“Mate Stowett, if you would, summon a Misertrosse gull, and then assemble the crew and meet me out on the deck. Bring me a table, two chairs, and some dining plates, utensils, and glasses as well, along with your bottle of 1729 rum.”

*And numerous unspoken obligations of course.

**Left unspoken is that you are effectively her property to do with as she wishes as well.

@Ralynn Waverunner @Gyles @Morgan Liu @Silvertongue Songfox
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"Well, Greeneye. This is what we came here to do." Silvertongue didn't hestiate, taking a deep breath as he stepped forward and he picked up the quill, leaning over to sign his signature, his method of holding the quill and his delicate penmanship indicative of his more educated status. "There we are, Sir Talinn." Silvertongue nodded his head with a bow. "Or, I suppose, it's Captain Talinn now?"

Not really waiting for an answer, he turned to Greeneye. "Greenie. Do you want me to sign it for you?"
"No. I'm more'n capable o' signin'" Greeneye walked up. He picked up the document and he studied it for a moment. "Alright. These are fair terms."
He put the document down much too early to have actually read all of it. Taking the quill from Silvertongue, he gripped it very awkwardly and leaned down, his paw shaking with effort as he managed to scrawl an 'X' onto the paper. He then sat the quill down, seemingly pleased with himself.
@Duke Talinn Ryalor
Gyles, who had since sheathed his blade - the act of defending his Minister and lord more instinct than indignation - chewed on this information, now regarding the rat with such a warmth of compassion in his chest that he felt his heart glow.
What would ye think o' all this, Cap'n? The Captain. The elder Gyles, his sire. The Captain had been a pirate. A nobody's whelp, a son of salt and flotsam who washed up on the shores of an Imperium reeking of opportunity and gutter filth and worked, bribed, fought, and stole his way to a coveted clawhold on the Skeered of Nothing - a proper Navy ship. The younger Gyles had always wondered if the old one had ever been a real Captain, though to the day of his disappearance, he did little else but roam the cabins and decks of Skeered's End, what remained of his Navy assignment, muttering oaths and claims to that effect.
If anyone deserved to walk the finest deck in the Imperium, it was those shaped by the calamities of the sea. The pirate searat before him was every bit the rough-around-the-edges sailor that had built the backbone of the Imperium from nothing. Gyles was no stranger to the life; after all, as the face in the mirror often reminded him, it was the high society stoat that was the affectation, the mask. No, Gyles was a sailor to the bone, a good-for-nothing seafaring rogue. Now he was First Officer of the Golden Hide, and that brought with it a necessary self comportment different to that his heart yearned to express.

"By your command, Excellency." Gyles offered a professional nod and walked deckward. Once there, he first made his way to the fo'c'sle deck and up the stair until he found Krimnon - not of itself particularly difficult a task. The gull was the heir of a prehistoric lineage, great and fearsome, perched as he was on the for'ard railing gazing seaward with lazy indifference at the younger Misertrosse brethren wheeling about on the wing in pursuit of a trace of flying fish. Gyles felt his hackles rise and he quickly reached into his coat pocket and produced his trusty flask. A few swigs calmed the nerves.
He coughed. "Krimnon?"
The gull didn't even look at him. He breathed a sigh of relief he certainly hoped the bird didn't hear. Krimnon ruffled his feathers. "Speak."
"Minister Ryalor requests your attention. He will be on deck shortly."
To this, the savage offered not a word, just a near-imperceptible nod of the yellow bill. Gyles caught himself. What did gulls think about? What violence did it machinate in that brutal mind?
"Fish and fair wind," the eyes seemed to say, but Gyles knew better.
No matter. He had little time to concern himself with the inner clockwork of a Misertrosse squad leader. It was off to prepare the main deck for the audience Talinn would soon deliver to a crew grown restless at anchor, restless for the open ocean and the adventure there promised.

As he climbed down the foc's'le stair, his attention turned briefly to Morgan and Waverunner. Gaoler and prisoner for now, rebuker and rebuked, but what did the future hold?

"All right, you lot!" He grinned, addressing several gathered crew. "Let's make this deck fit for a Minister! All together now." In short order, the expected number of tables and chairs were carried deckside, among them his - for now, the Minister's - own desk from the Captain's Cabin. Tablecloths were spread, cutlery produced, and a particular bottle of '29 laid in centerpoint. All laid bare before the midmorning sun, awaiting the guest of the hour, Talinn Ryalor.

@Duke Talinn Ryalor @Greeneye @Silvertongue Songfox @Ralynn Waverunner @Morgan Liu
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Continued in part from "In Trouble On The First Day"

Talinn offered a genuine pleased smile, although perhaps not for the reasons either of them might like as the two beasts before him signed the document, sealing their fate for at least the next year. Comparatively speaking it had been relatively easy to get them to sign their lives away and they did not even need to be fattened up before being useful like most of the recruits from the Slups and were likely to be more amenable to discipline than one’s typical pressganged or penal recruit. Excellent, just excellent. They were getting something of a bumper crop of recruits this year, what with Ralynn willingly signing up as well already having experience and doing a good job of integrating into the Bosun’s role so quickly.

“Perfect!” He replied, uncharacteristically pleased as he rolled the document up and affixed both his personal ducal seal and Ministerial seal to it, before placing the candle back in the lamp and then grabbing all four documents and carrying them under his arm.

“Recruits Songfox and Greeneye, muster out to the stern of the ship, underneath her Majesty’s flag for your oath of office. I shall be along shortly.”

With that, as the two left the office, Talinn strode out behind them, quickly making his way towards where Krimnon awaited. Nodding respectfully at the Misertrosse gull, as even Ministers realized how important they were to the functioning of the Imperium, he spoke, briefly and formally, presenting the gull with two of the documents, including the signed contract of Silvertongue and Greeneye first.

“These two will go to the Ministry of War,” he said, carefully putting it in the first slot in the pouch. “this one to the Ministress of Misanthropy,” putting it in the second slot, and putting the final document in the third slot “and finally this one to Amarone to the Empress. All of them posthaste, if you could.” Backing away from the gull, Talinn offered Kinmon a rare salute as another sign of respect, then turned to survey the deck. The crew was getting assembled, the table and chairs laid out, the accused and her gaoler were where he wished them to be, and the two new recruits were making their way towards the stern.

Time to swear them in.

Moving down from where Kinmon was, he motioned for Gyles to follow him, to serve as a witness to them swearing their oath of allegiance to the Empress. Upon reaching the stern of the ship, with the Empress’s flag flying in full glory above them, he looked at the two new recruits in front of him.

“Are you ready to swear your oath of office?”

@Silvertongue Songfox @Gyles @Ralynn Waverunner @Morgan Liu
Silvertongue, having no way of knowing that Talinn was being 'unusually' cheerful, followed his new superior out of the office with Greeneye in tow.

"Isn't this great, Greeneye?" Silvertongue turned to him. "Now we don't have to worry about your father anymore. At least, not for a few seasons."

He smiled softly at his partner before standing at attention in front of Talinn. "Ready, Sir Talinn!"
"This ain't gonna be like before. Yer not gonna be allowed to just longue around all day. But, it's too late ter change our minds now." Greeneye commented as he watched the documents be sent away. In reality, he knew he would do whatever it took to keep Silvertongue safe. Even if it meant joining up with this Navy.

He didn't reply to Talinn's question, just standing at attention beside Greeneye.

@Duke Talinn Ryalor
Giving them both a nod, Talinn waited for Gyles to arrive as a witness before speaking, before raising his voice and his right paw to his heart and speaking forrmally.

“Place your dominant paw above your heart, and repeat the following, inserting your full name when appropriate,"

I, insert your full name here, under the banner of her Majesty’s ship The Golden Hide, swear, in order of priority, that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to her Majesty Amélie I and her heirs and successors. I swear that I will defend her or them to the uttermost of my power, against all conspiracies and attempts whatsoever, which shall be made against her or their persons, their crown and dignity, by reason or color of any such sentence or declaration or otherwise, and will do my best endeavor to disclose and make known unto her Majesty, her heirs and successors, all treasons and traitorous conspiracies, which I shall know or hear of to be against her or any of them. I further swear that I will obey the laws of the Imperium, and her duly appointed ministers and officials. And all these things I do plainly and sincerely acknowledge and swear by sacred oath to my God or gods, according to these express words by me spoken, and according to the plain and common sense understanding of the same words, without any equivocation, or mental evasion, or secret reservation whatsoever.”

@Gyles @Morgan Liu @Ralynn Waverunner @Silvertongue Songfox
Silvertongue internally had his doubts. He was still conflicted about whether to stay in this strange new land, but with Ironpaw chasing after them, this seemed like the safest thing to do. So he repeated the oath faithfully, holding his hat against his chest as he did so to show proper respect.

Talinn was by and far the most respectable fox he had ever met in his whole life. Even his father, as much as he had adored the man, had still been a criminal, but this figure standing before him demanded respect without the use of fear or force and carried an air of proper authority about him. Silvertongue couldn't help but silently admire him.
On the other hand, Greeneye knew he did not want to stay here. He wanted to start a new life with Silvertongue, but this wasn't it. Escaping from one oppressive captain and straight into the arms of another was less than ideal. He didn't believe in anything in this ridiculous oath. A queen, an empire. He was trying to escape the empire his father wanted to build, and he was sick of hearing about creatures who cared for nothing other than how much land they owned and how many people they controlled.

He didn't immediately repeat the oath; only an elbow into his hip from Silvertongue convinced him to repeat the words half-heartedly. He stared at Talinn the entire time. He was naturally a bit wary of new beasts, but this one in particular.... something about him made his stomach twist. He couldn't know for sure, but his gut told him this fox had secrets. Just how much of him was a facade...? It was a question for another time. For now, and unfortunately for four seasons, this was his new Captain.

@Duke Talinn Ryalor
Gyles' ear perked ever-so-slightly at the words exchanged between fox and rat. There it was again, talk of Greeneye's father.
He thought back to the rat's outburst earlier- losing a paw, an eye, and part of a leg -which he had tolerated from an outsider, but would never tolerate from one of the crew.
Seemed like the rogue took the short end of more than a few losing fights, this one. Indicative of foolhardy brashness, pluck - a bit of both, more than likely. They were so much alike, he and Greeneye. Yet somehow he got the feeling, between dark glances, that the rat was judging him - assessing him. His fur prickled. For a split second, he felt laid bare before this humble tar's scrutiny.

He arranged his collar instinctively. Did Greeneye see through it all, somehow, that which others could not? He'd spent a lifetime living among those with Amarone's fattest purses. His mother had taught him well, introduced him to the right checkbooks, the right threads.

No, it couldn't be. Perhaps they had merely gotten off on the wrong rung.

@Duke Talinn Ryalor @Greeneye @Silvertongue Songfox
Talinn carefully watched the two as they swore the oath of office, noting the distinct difference between how they swore and the influence that the fox seemed to have over the searat, which had seemed like a constant theme throughout their interactions. He was also beginning to form a bit of a liking for the former and a mild dislike for the latter, if only because getting those types into proper shape was more of a hassle. It was rare to see vermin outside of the Imperium with Silvertongue’s sense of class and decorum, while former searat corsairs like Greeneye were not particularly uncommon. It was also more likely that if truly hit the fan as it were on the expedition, when some beasts ran and others stayed, the fox would be more inclined to stand and fight even if things looked to be going poorly for them, while he felt the rat would look for the fastest exit he could. But maybe he would be proven wrong.

Talinn matched Greeneye’s stare without flinching or hesitation until his oath was complete. It was important to never cave to beasts like him, a whiff of weakness and they would take a mile.

He nodded once they were done.

Good, you are now officially beasts in Her Majesty’s Navy. Congratulations.” He smiled genially, mostly directed towards Silvertongue, and then turned towards midships. Giving a glance towards Gyles, he continued.

“Mate Stowett, if you would, ensure these two line up with the rest of the crew, and then meet me at the head table so I may pass judgment on Seabeast Morgan.”

With that, the Minister and temporary Captain strode down the steps, enjoying the midafternoon sun and noting that it was a pleasant, if somewhat windy, day. He reached the table, situated centrally and facing Seabeast Morgan and Bosun Waverunner, and proceeded to sit down. As Gyles reached him, he spoke once more to the Captain.

“Mate Stowett, order the cook to bring me a plate of the finest fish and chips you have, along with some bread and water, and then order something for yourself as well as it is a fine time for lunch. After that, return to me, and we shall see what should be done with Seabeast Morgan.”

With that, Talinn poured himself a little bit of rum from the bottle already present, sipping it thoughtfully as he eyed the young jill who had dared to enter the officer’s meeting and speak out of turn, and on the day’s events. Lounging in the chair looking at her, many thoughts and considerations crossed his mind. Technically, she was correct that no one had told her to get out when she had entered, and no guard had been posted on the door, which was a lack of discipline that reflected on both Gyles and the rest of the officers in the room, as he had been waiting for them to say something. It may even be possible that she had not been trained in the proper way and time to approach and address officers given the state of things. But he could not let ignorance of the rules be an excuse for breaking them, or all Hell would break loose and with the stakes on a Navy ship it could not be afforded when things “got real” as beasts of the Slups put it.

Let’s also not forget that she seems to have some association and fondness for our new recruits, and they, in turn, seem to have something for her. Realistically, it is also going to be a rather long journey and involve a lot of intense training, and if I crack the whip too hard for a minor offense that could be seen to have perhaps come of ignorance instead of defiance. What to do, what to do?

He actually sighed this time around, drinking more deeply of the rum than he had before, brow furrowed deep in thought for a time. Then, he smiled, and not long after the First Mate arrived and all the crewbeasts had assembled.

Nodding towards the stoat, he stood up, ready to render his judgment.

“Attention!” He barked loudly, voice carrying the confidence of a commander who had led many beasts into battle over the years.

“Seabeast Morgan, step forward!”

@Gyles @Ralynn Waverunner @Morgan Liu @Silvertongue Songfox
Morgan felt as if she were a beetle in a jar in someone's laboratory, turned this way and that, observed from all angles as the world shifted around her. The only part that remained unknown was whether she would be tossed outdoors to roam free, or if she would end up stuck on the head of a pin. She winced as the minister called her name. Well, this could only go one of two ways. Either he'd have her flogged, or worse, thrown overboard into the Harbor to flail and drown, or he was going to humiliate her instead. With the former, there was nothing she could do except maybe try to flee down the gang plank, and then she'd be a known deserter on the run. With the latter, she might still be able to find a way to keep her hide.

Morgan took a deep breath, then the ferret stepped forward, stopping how she'd seen Ralynn stand at attention. "Reportin' fah judgment, sah!" Her accent had shifted again; now it was somewhere between the rabbit's brogue and the fox's southern Fyadorian. She allowed herself one miserable glance toward the rabbit; somehow she doubted that any sympathy or defense would be coming to her from that quarter.