The Furotazzi Crime Family (Faction)

Duchess Dusk Rainblade

Minister of Misanthropy
Staff member
Originally founded by Vito Furotazzi, the criminal syndicate bearing his name operated in a quasi-legal fashion through their front company, the Obsidian Corporation, and less legally as the Furotazzis. With their paws in everything from bribery, intimidation, and racketeering to smuggling and selling illicit substances such as Trotter's Tea, Seer's Sage, and other such narcotics, the Furotazzis built up a significant criminal empire, one that only gained in legitimacy after the ascent of its head to the position of Minister of Commerce, or, as he rebranded the position, "Minister of Industry and Security". In this role Vito was able to extend his reach further than ever before, lending a veneer of legitimacy to his criminal enterprise, while providing him a position from which to strongarm and blackmail the other ministries to his advantage. As dependent as the family was upon his singular vision and prowess, however, it suffered a heavy blow with his death, losing most of its membership and, in short order, most of its gold and property as well. The actual Furotazzi bloodline is now thoroughly divested of its patriarch's criminal ties, leaving the Family in the paws of Vito's two adopted heirs, Falun and Marianna Furotazzi, both of whom are determined to keep his legacy alive.

Positions and Known Members:

"Il Don / la Dona": Unoccupied.
By tradition, the head of the Furotazzi Family has been addressed as Don Furotazzi, a title of respect from the old country. Vito Furotazzi was the last to hold this title, and the first to adopt it in the significance of a criminal enterprise. Since his death, both Falun and Marianna Furotazzi have eyed the title covetously, though both have agreed that, until the Furotazzis are restored, it, and the chair that comes with it, must remain unoccupied.

"Il Fratellone / la Sorella": Falun and Marianna Furotazzi. The two adoptive children of Vito Furotazzi share the title of big brother and sister, respectively, to the Furotazzi Family. I'm Vito's day, this would make them trusted advisors and enforcers of his will; now it makes them guardians of an empty throne. If either sibling has their way, they won't stay in their position for long... And likely they'll be looking to fill more than one vacancy left in their wake.

Consigliere: Unoccupied. The role of the consigliere is that of a trusted advisor to the capo (boss) and any sottocapo (underboss) of the family. Held in high esteem, the consigliere is trusted to speak on the capo's behalf and, most importantly, to soundly advise the capo against their worst instincts. Since the departure of Adriel Blacktip from the family, the Furotazzis have been without a consigliere, much as Marianna Furotazzi liked to believe she served as one to her adoptive father.

Sottocapo: Unoccupied. The sottocapo, or 'underboss', is in charge of most day-to-day operations. In the golden days of the Furotazzi, multiple sottocapi ran the Family's business across the Imperium, each one the major power in a different city with their own command structure beneath them. In the waning days of the Family, Falun Furotazzi believed himself to be the last sottocapo remaining, though he never actually was given the title by Vito. Now the Furotazzi Siblings are actively looking for a new sottocapo to help them restore the Family to its glory days.

Caporegime ("Capo"): Unoccupied. The position of capo, or lieutenant, is awarded to trusted leaders, ones who oversee the rank-and-file soldati who carry out the bunk of the Family's day to day operations. A soldato who impresses leadership may get promoted to capo and put in charge of an operation, with further prospects for promotion as they display their talent. Once the Family had dozens of capi across the cities of the Imperium, but the collapse of the organization has seen all of their former associates either leave for more peaceful shores or the embrace of rising competitors.

Soldato: Unoccupied. Once getting 'made' as a Furotazzi was a path to fortune and easy money, and the Family had a few dozen soldati, 'made' beasts who had promised their loyalty to the Family and silence to authorities, ready to carry out their operations. The position indicates a degree of trust, a recognition that the beast has proved their loyalty and can be relied upon. While technically not a management rank, soldati generally receive more respect (and pay) than the picciotti.

Picciotto: Unoccupied. At the bottom of the Family are the picciotti, newly recruited 'associates' who are considered uninitiated prospects for full membership in the Family. Generally promotion to soldato requires either an impressive display of competence, profound demonstrations of loyalty, or at least sufficient violence on behalf of the Family to demonstrate one's unwavering commitment.
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