Age: 35
Species: Fox
Gender: Masculine
Height: Taller side of average
Weight: Stock
Skill Rank: Veteran brawler; Professional shakedown artist; Experienced leader; Rookie thief; Rookie pianist; Rookie twenny-wah player; Rookie parkour athlete
Rank (Official): "Il Fratellone" of the Furotazzi crime family
Alignment (Optional): Neutral Evil
Falun Furotazzi is a large fox with fur of a light yellowish gold color, rather similar to some forms of maize. His slightly off-center nose is a product of being broken by many punches across the years, and he is missing a few of his teeth, with several replaced with caps of gold. He wears a dark knee-length coat over a neat three-piece suit, mimicking the style modeled by his father figure and predecessor Vito Furotazzi. His fists are almost always split and bloodied around the knuckles, and are frequently bandaged for such. His brown eyes are sharp and suspicious, prone to glaring at anyone who looks at him too long without cause.
-Spare sets of gauze to wrap his paws
-Several nice suits, albeit patched up and maintained by his sister's reluctant paws
-A disused warehouse near Fishminster's Dock that serves as the current headquarters of the Furotazzis
Falun Furotazzi has done his best to live up to the standards set by his father figure Vito Furotazzi, though his somewhat dim intellect keeps him from reaching the same heights that his predecessor achieved. While he tries to pass himself off as sophisticated, his lack of general reading and cultural exposure renders him frequently flustered in high society situations. By nature pugilistic and violent, Falun's first impulse when faced with a problem is to beat it into the ground, an approach that often creates more problems than it solves. He strongly believes that it was Vito's dominant personality that allowed him to intimidate his way to power, and is intent upon replicating that characteristic in himself. Beneath his violent demeanor lies a truth he's too afraid to name: that he will never live up to his adoptive father's legacy.
Since being brought into the Furotazzis as a teenager, Falun has taken easily to a life of violence, unafraid to shake down or beat down anyone for the sake of the family. His physical strength and ability to take a blow make him a difficult foe to face on the streets, and his general aptitude for thuggery makes him a vicious stick compared to the carrots offered by his sister at the negotiating table.
Falun isn't as smart as he wants to be, and he knows it. He's insecure about his intellect, knowing that both his father figures - Vito Furotazzi and Anithias Freedom - were renowned political operators, and it is deeply unsettling to him that he lacks the acumen of either. His lack of social graces makes him uncomfortable in formal situations, where he often has to defer, much to his resentment, to his sister Marianna. The deep-seated issues between the two threaten to become a wedge in the family, and only their shared interest in restoring the Furotazzis to greatness has kept them together for so long.
Falun Furotazzi had a charmed first few years of his life. Born on the Golden Hide to the ship's first mate Anithias Freedom and its assistant surgeon Julia Freedom, Falun was doted on by the crew, even more so after his father ascended to captaincy. After his father's abrupt retirement from the navy, he transitioned easily to living in his parents' manor in Zann's Backyard and, later, the Mayoral Mansion as his father's political star rose. He seemed destined for great things, based on his lineage; however, fate, and the Furotazzis, had other plans.
In a scheme orchestrated by mafioso Vito Furotazzi and his right-hand stoat Adriel Blacktip, on the same day that Mayor Freedom's estranged wife Julia was very publicly and brutally murdered, Falun and his young sister Marianna were kitnapped by the Furotazzi family, snatched right from Freedom Manor under the noses of their caregivers. Initially the plan had been to use them to extort Mayor Freedom for political concessions (or, perhaps, to stage their 'rescue' to ingratiate the Furotazzis to him), but the chaos of the solar flare periods unchained many of the same dangerous forces that Mayor Freedom had so recklessly stoked for his short-term benefit. When Mayor Freedom was torn apart by a mob, the Furotazzi family abruptly found themselves custodians of two small orphans, the last survivors of two fallen houses.
In a show of rare mercy, perhaps out of latent guilt for his role in their orphaning, Vito raised the Freedom kits as his own. While he kept them separate from his blood family and raised them instead in a secure domicile owned by his mafia, they were still given a quality education and, up until their teenage years, were kept strictly clear of mob business. Only as the situation grew dire did Vito bring the pair into the Family. Falun, whose rambunctious and confrontational personality made him an efficient enforcer for the Family, took to the role immediately, always eager to demonstrate his loyalty to Vito with shows of efficiency and force. His desperation for any display of parental approval from Vito made him extremely easy to keep bound to the family, though it also established an unspoken hope on Falun's part that, when Vito retired, he would be the heir apparent to control of the Family. Unknown to Falun or his sister, however, Vito was quietly pursuing his longtime ambition of taking the Family legitimate and abandoning its criminal past, a goal that, if voiced aloud, would have crushed the eager young mobster.
Unfortunately for Vito, he died before he could complete the transition to legitimate businessman, leaving the Furotazzis in a tenuous position. With many of the Family having either retired, gone legitimate themselves, or moved into other criminal enterprises, Falun found himself and his sister Julia, now 35 and 33 respectively, the de facto heads of the Furotazzi crime family. Having long abandoned the tarnished name of Freedom, the pair have resolved to embrace their identities as Furotazzis and restore the Family to its former glory. While the pair have no end of disputes between them, their respective skills work well together; Falun's pugilistic instincts serve him well in a line of business where ruthlessness is a virtue, while his sister's business acumen helps to keep the Family paid and recruiting. Together, they are determined to restore the Furotazzis to being the most feared criminal syndicate in the Imperium.
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