All You Need To Know About Bully Harbor

Bully Harbor, also known as Bouillabaisse Harbour, is the main port for the Naval Fleet and is home to the Ministries that control the Imperium. Though not the capital of Vulpinsula, it hosts all of the Ministries main buildings and the primary naval port and warehouses-- though one could easily argue that it is the heart of Vulpinsula and the Imperium.
Bully Harbor is comprised of five residential districts. In order of weath they are: The Slups, The Barracks, Imperial Condos, Zann's Backyard, and the Insanely Rich Area.
Bully Harbor also has a business district, centered in the Trenches, but reaches to such areas as: Zann's Alley, Zann's Backyard, the Market, and the Northern Warehouses.
The Docks are seperated into five main areas, reaching from the lowly Fishminister's Dock to the Imperial Jetty. The primary wealth of the Harbor comes from these docks, so even the Fishminister's Dock is in prime condition and commonly traveled.
If you're looking for food and festivities, the locals tend to disperse towards the Bilge in the Bucket and the Bowen Arrow, along with Satire Square. If you're a beast of class, you'll likely find yourself at the Red Herring or Bouillabaisse Harbor Opera. Beware the Plume in the Bonnet if you aren't a minister; they'll throw anybeast out!
Important Districts
The Slups
The Slups is a residential area of Bully Harbor, wedged between the Insanely Rich Area to the north, the Trenches in the south, and Zann's Backyard in the east. These neighboring districts sorely wish they didn't sit in such close proximity to the Slups, and rightfully so.
The Slups is little more than a fetid collection of dirty houses, dingy meandering streets, narrow alleys and awkward shantytowns hunkered in the burned-out shells of older buildings. The poor and desperate often wind up in the Slups, and crime runs rampant. Most consider it a lost cause, and it is rarely ever ventured into by the Fogeys* (or anyone with a functional sense of smell, as the unique aroma of the Slups has been known to kill Missertross gulls** when the wind changes in a certain way).
However, those who can look out for themselves and are good at not being stabbed can find hidden gems in the cesspit that is the Slups, especially of an illegal nature. Black markets, drug dens, and houses of ill repute are all easy to find if one knows where to look. A few shady taverns also exist in the Slups, where less scrupulous sailors meet to sip cheap grog and discuss unsavory things; these include the Knotty Anchor and Pritchard's Pebble.
*Bully Harbor's Police Force...or what passes for it.
**The Vulpine Imperium's Postal Service, delivered by a rare breed sentient gulls.
The Barracks and Imperial Condos
The Barracks and Imperial Condos could be considered the living area of the middle class of the Imperium. Merchants, minor government officials, shopkeepers, more well-off members of the army and the navy, and mid-ranking faction members live here. They are generally considered one of the more mundane and peaceful areas of Bully Harbor as they are not rich enough for the more sophisticated criminal gangs to target and too well-guarded by the Fogeys, many of whom live here, for the denizens of the Slups to easily raid. Ministers can often be seen traversing these districts in their daily commutes as well.
The Trenches
The Trenches are the main commerical area of Bully Harbour, between the bustling and orderly road from the Imperial Docks to the Market , and the hectic road from the Local Docks to the Market. It is prime estate, near many Ministry buildings, and has a great deal of traffic. Here, you can find shops of all shapes and sizes, repairs and supplies usually closer to the coast, and general stores closer to the market. Eateries abound here too, most notably the hole-in-the-wall establishment known as the Bowen Arrow.
It is called the Trenches because many of the buildings were built with more than one story, an oddity in Bully Harbour, and walking along its narrow streets gives the impression of walking along a deep trench.
The Market
The Market is considered the center of Bully Harbour, the intersection of all the large roads. One can follow alleys and roads down to Zann's Alley, Zann's Backyard, the Slups, the Trenches, or go through the regal entrance to the Capital Building.
Local sellers set up their wares in this public market, and attempt to resell them to other beasts. Often, a podium can be constructed in the middle of the Market, for important addresses or events.
Northern Warehouses
The Northern Warehouses store goods imported and exported from Bully Harbor, usually through the Fishminsters Docks. The MinoComm Offices are here, because it is near the center for most of the big commerce in the Harbor.
Zann's Alley and Backyard
Zann's Alley is a small commercial and residential area of Bully Harbour, generally considered the strip of land immediately to the east of the road from the Fishminster's Dock to the Market, starting from the intersection with the road to the Fishminster's Warf. It is named such because of one very influencial Imperial citizen, the shrewd jeweler Brigo Zann. Twelve buildings along the alley have aging siege weaponry mounted on their roofs, left over from the days when the Citizen's Militia guarded traffic through the area, and behind them is Zann's Backyard.
Zann's Backyard is a commerical area of Bully Harbour for upper class wares, lodging and inns, and one or two upscale taverns, notably Brigo's Place. Protected as it is by Zann's Alley and the main road to Amarone, it is generally a safe area, with wide streets and well-kept strefronts. The northern portion includes many permanent homes of wealthy travelers or citizens who have no wish to pay for, or try to find space in, the Insanely Rich Area.
The Insanely Rich Area

Bully Harbor, also known as Bouillabaisse Harbour, is the main port for the Naval Fleet and is home to the Ministries that control the Imperium. Though not the capital of Vulpinsula, it hosts all of the Ministries main buildings and the primary naval port and warehouses-- though one could easily argue that it is the heart of Vulpinsula and the Imperium.
Bully Harbor is comprised of five residential districts. In order of weath they are: The Slups, The Barracks, Imperial Condos, Zann's Backyard, and the Insanely Rich Area.
Bully Harbor also has a business district, centered in the Trenches, but reaches to such areas as: Zann's Alley, Zann's Backyard, the Market, and the Northern Warehouses.
The Docks are seperated into five main areas, reaching from the lowly Fishminister's Dock to the Imperial Jetty. The primary wealth of the Harbor comes from these docks, so even the Fishminister's Dock is in prime condition and commonly traveled.
If you're looking for food and festivities, the locals tend to disperse towards the Bilge in the Bucket and the Bowen Arrow, along with Satire Square. If you're a beast of class, you'll likely find yourself at the Red Herring or Bouillabaisse Harbor Opera. Beware the Plume in the Bonnet if you aren't a minister; they'll throw anybeast out!
Important Districts
The Slups
The Slups is a residential area of Bully Harbor, wedged between the Insanely Rich Area to the north, the Trenches in the south, and Zann's Backyard in the east. These neighboring districts sorely wish they didn't sit in such close proximity to the Slups, and rightfully so.
The Slups is little more than a fetid collection of dirty houses, dingy meandering streets, narrow alleys and awkward shantytowns hunkered in the burned-out shells of older buildings. The poor and desperate often wind up in the Slups, and crime runs rampant. Most consider it a lost cause, and it is rarely ever ventured into by the Fogeys* (or anyone with a functional sense of smell, as the unique aroma of the Slups has been known to kill Missertross gulls** when the wind changes in a certain way).
However, those who can look out for themselves and are good at not being stabbed can find hidden gems in the cesspit that is the Slups, especially of an illegal nature. Black markets, drug dens, and houses of ill repute are all easy to find if one knows where to look. A few shady taverns also exist in the Slups, where less scrupulous sailors meet to sip cheap grog and discuss unsavory things; these include the Knotty Anchor and Pritchard's Pebble.
*Bully Harbor's Police Force...or what passes for it.
**The Vulpine Imperium's Postal Service, delivered by a rare breed sentient gulls.
The Barracks and Imperial Condos
The Barracks and Imperial Condos could be considered the living area of the middle class of the Imperium. Merchants, minor government officials, shopkeepers, more well-off members of the army and the navy, and mid-ranking faction members live here. They are generally considered one of the more mundane and peaceful areas of Bully Harbor as they are not rich enough for the more sophisticated criminal gangs to target and too well-guarded by the Fogeys, many of whom live here, for the denizens of the Slups to easily raid. Ministers can often be seen traversing these districts in their daily commutes as well.
The Trenches
The Trenches are the main commerical area of Bully Harbour, between the bustling and orderly road from the Imperial Docks to the Market , and the hectic road from the Local Docks to the Market. It is prime estate, near many Ministry buildings, and has a great deal of traffic. Here, you can find shops of all shapes and sizes, repairs and supplies usually closer to the coast, and general stores closer to the market. Eateries abound here too, most notably the hole-in-the-wall establishment known as the Bowen Arrow.
It is called the Trenches because many of the buildings were built with more than one story, an oddity in Bully Harbour, and walking along its narrow streets gives the impression of walking along a deep trench.
The Market
The Market is considered the center of Bully Harbour, the intersection of all the large roads. One can follow alleys and roads down to Zann's Alley, Zann's Backyard, the Slups, the Trenches, or go through the regal entrance to the Capital Building.
Local sellers set up their wares in this public market, and attempt to resell them to other beasts. Often, a podium can be constructed in the middle of the Market, for important addresses or events.
Northern Warehouses
The Northern Warehouses store goods imported and exported from Bully Harbor, usually through the Fishminsters Docks. The MinoComm Offices are here, because it is near the center for most of the big commerce in the Harbor.
Zann's Alley and Backyard
Zann's Alley is a small commercial and residential area of Bully Harbour, generally considered the strip of land immediately to the east of the road from the Fishminster's Dock to the Market, starting from the intersection with the road to the Fishminster's Warf. It is named such because of one very influencial Imperial citizen, the shrewd jeweler Brigo Zann. Twelve buildings along the alley have aging siege weaponry mounted on their roofs, left over from the days when the Citizen's Militia guarded traffic through the area, and behind them is Zann's Backyard.
Zann's Backyard is a commerical area of Bully Harbour for upper class wares, lodging and inns, and one or two upscale taverns, notably Brigo's Place. Protected as it is by Zann's Alley and the main road to Amarone, it is generally a safe area, with wide streets and well-kept strefronts. The northern portion includes many permanent homes of wealthy travelers or citizens who have no wish to pay for, or try to find space in, the Insanely Rich Area.
The Insanely Rich Area
A residential area of Bully Harbour, the Insanely Rich Area houses creatures who are, appropriately, insanely rich. They generally disdain their proximity to the Slups which is why only one road connects their area of town to the "Other Vermin"
It is obvious to anybeast who happens into this area just how insanely rich the Insanely Rich are. Manor houses here feature expensive and gaudy architecture, and many of the structures are kept unnaturally clean through means of a small army of servants, sycophants and bootlickers. The gardens surrounding these mansions alone are known to be as big as town squares, and the buildings themselves range from being as large as a block of standard houses in the Trenches, to enormous structures that could encompass Satire Square. The area is regularly patrolled by the Fogeys and - at one point in time - the Stoatorian Guard, and the utmost in security is taken when protecting these houses from "rabble." However, regular conflict in the area is not uncommon, though its mainly squabbling between neighbors hoping to expand their property even more, as space here is extremely limited due to various excesses.
The Insanely Rich creatures are, understandably, very stuck up.
Important Locations
The Bilge in the Bucket
Everybeast loves in the Bilge in the Bucket. It's probably some sort of law. In which case, everybeast not currently incarcerated loves the Bilge in the Bucket, or the Bilge, as it is affectionately called for the sake of brevity, a most useful thing for those who have spent the past few hours in the Bilge.
The Bilge in the Bucket was, and is, Bully Harbour's very first tavern, back when everybeast was either a sailor or some other rough-and-tumble profession that is much like sailing in that their salaries are not based upon such things as baths, intelligence, or the ability not to shout and hit things after a few pints. Throughout the years, the Bilge has preserved its initial characteristics - now called "traditions" - much to the horror of the upper class and the delight of those who're too inebriated to notice they're sitting in something that's a good two or three decades older than their grandfather, and was probably created by their great-grandfather.
The Bilge is not a very family-orientated place to dine. Being inside the Bilge for even a few minutes can learn a beast many new, exciting words that shouldn't be uttered to upstanding citizens. Especially upstanding citizens who have weapons. Not that your average Bilge patron would care; your average Bilge patron is often more heavily armed than the storage room of the Bully Harbor Arms Depot, although probably not as proficient with their weapons as the store room might be. Yes, the store room itself, not an employee. Your average Bilge patron has 60% percent more alcohol than blood running through them.
The Bilge does not, as one may think, have any or every drink available for purchase. For instance, a glass of Pierre Parnasse probably costs, per sip, what the Bilge makes in total income per decade. Certain other drinks in the Imperium represent a health-hazard to the average citizen, such as the infamous Red Stuff, and Odde Tinge, to name two of the most well-known liquors.
Instead, the Bilge offers a vast selection of lesser drinks that pander to even Phil the Hobo's price-range, as well as a competent staff of bartenders, should one wish to mix two drinks together and shave a few years off their life.
The Red Herring
The Red Herring, (or The Herring), is almost exactly like the Bilge in the Bucket in every way, except for a few slight differences: It is considerably more posh. While the Bilge caters to the salaries of even the lowliest Navy recruit, the Herring has a much better selection of drinks, a cleaner dining environment, and ten times the security, as Captains , their officers, and the Ministers themselves often choose it as their favourite watering hole. Non-officers are generally discouraged from dining in the Herring without their Captain's consent - this is more to stop the crewbeasts from making a fool of their Captain and ship more than simple rank discrimination, though perhaps it is a mix of both.
Satire Square
Satire Square is located in the junction between Market Road and Setting Duck Street, the longest road in Bully Harbour, which winds from the Imperial Docks to Zann's Backyard. The road leading to the Ministry of Innovation's offices (er, dropbox) also sprouts from Satire Square. In the Northeast corner is the office of the Minister of War.
Satire Square is under the Ministry of Niceties' trust. Smaller and less active than the Market Square, it is instead focused on the arts (a most dangerous pastime), with various stages set around the perimeter for actors and artists to express themselves upon for as many gilders as their audience wishes to bestow upon them. Various food vendors also litter the scene, somewhat literally. The Opera House stands not too far from the square.
In the center of the Square is a stone pedestal with the words:
Chester Larzenbright
Minister of Niceties
Sadly, the pedestal has been bereft of statue for over two hundred years.
The Bowen Arrow
The Bowen Arrow is, without a doubt, the nicest establishment in the Trenches. It is also the smallest establishment in the area. When it first opened, many mistook the eatery for a small broom cupboard set into a wall, with a pretty sign hung above it. However, word of its fine food spread, and soon beasts were lining up down the block to dine in cramped confines of the space. The original founder, Gaffik Bowen, was so pleased by the results that he eventually expanded the restaurant into three rooms, one of them being the kitchen. Needless to say, it's not a whole lot bigger than it was, but at least it can now hold more than three beasts at a time.
With its hole-in-the wall status, it has a surprisingly rustic charm to it. The Bowen Arrow is a popular restaurant for couples who want a less-expensive place to dine and a more personal atmosphere. It has all the romantic candlelight and secluded booths one could ask for at a fraction of the price. As long as you don't mind rubbing elbows (literally) with other patrons a lot of the time due to the lack of room, the Bowen Arrow may prove to be a favorite restaurant.
The Opera
The Bilge in the Bucket
Everybeast loves in the Bilge in the Bucket. It's probably some sort of law. In which case, everybeast not currently incarcerated loves the Bilge in the Bucket, or the Bilge, as it is affectionately called for the sake of brevity, a most useful thing for those who have spent the past few hours in the Bilge.
The Bilge in the Bucket was, and is, Bully Harbour's very first tavern, back when everybeast was either a sailor or some other rough-and-tumble profession that is much like sailing in that their salaries are not based upon such things as baths, intelligence, or the ability not to shout and hit things after a few pints. Throughout the years, the Bilge has preserved its initial characteristics - now called "traditions" - much to the horror of the upper class and the delight of those who're too inebriated to notice they're sitting in something that's a good two or three decades older than their grandfather, and was probably created by their great-grandfather.
The Bilge is not a very family-orientated place to dine. Being inside the Bilge for even a few minutes can learn a beast many new, exciting words that shouldn't be uttered to upstanding citizens. Especially upstanding citizens who have weapons. Not that your average Bilge patron would care; your average Bilge patron is often more heavily armed than the storage room of the Bully Harbor Arms Depot, although probably not as proficient with their weapons as the store room might be. Yes, the store room itself, not an employee. Your average Bilge patron has 60% percent more alcohol than blood running through them.
The Bilge does not, as one may think, have any or every drink available for purchase. For instance, a glass of Pierre Parnasse probably costs, per sip, what the Bilge makes in total income per decade. Certain other drinks in the Imperium represent a health-hazard to the average citizen, such as the infamous Red Stuff, and Odde Tinge, to name two of the most well-known liquors.
Instead, the Bilge offers a vast selection of lesser drinks that pander to even Phil the Hobo's price-range, as well as a competent staff of bartenders, should one wish to mix two drinks together and shave a few years off their life.
The Red Herring
The Red Herring, (or The Herring), is almost exactly like the Bilge in the Bucket in every way, except for a few slight differences: It is considerably more posh. While the Bilge caters to the salaries of even the lowliest Navy recruit, the Herring has a much better selection of drinks, a cleaner dining environment, and ten times the security, as Captains , their officers, and the Ministers themselves often choose it as their favourite watering hole. Non-officers are generally discouraged from dining in the Herring without their Captain's consent - this is more to stop the crewbeasts from making a fool of their Captain and ship more than simple rank discrimination, though perhaps it is a mix of both.
Satire Square
Satire Square is located in the junction between Market Road and Setting Duck Street, the longest road in Bully Harbour, which winds from the Imperial Docks to Zann's Backyard. The road leading to the Ministry of Innovation's offices (er, dropbox) also sprouts from Satire Square. In the Northeast corner is the office of the Minister of War.
Satire Square is under the Ministry of Niceties' trust. Smaller and less active than the Market Square, it is instead focused on the arts (a most dangerous pastime), with various stages set around the perimeter for actors and artists to express themselves upon for as many gilders as their audience wishes to bestow upon them. Various food vendors also litter the scene, somewhat literally. The Opera House stands not too far from the square.
In the center of the Square is a stone pedestal with the words:
Chester Larzenbright
Minister of Niceties
Sadly, the pedestal has been bereft of statue for over two hundred years.
The Bowen Arrow
The Bowen Arrow is, without a doubt, the nicest establishment in the Trenches. It is also the smallest establishment in the area. When it first opened, many mistook the eatery for a small broom cupboard set into a wall, with a pretty sign hung above it. However, word of its fine food spread, and soon beasts were lining up down the block to dine in cramped confines of the space. The original founder, Gaffik Bowen, was so pleased by the results that he eventually expanded the restaurant into three rooms, one of them being the kitchen. Needless to say, it's not a whole lot bigger than it was, but at least it can now hold more than three beasts at a time.
With its hole-in-the wall status, it has a surprisingly rustic charm to it. The Bowen Arrow is a popular restaurant for couples who want a less-expensive place to dine and a more personal atmosphere. It has all the romantic candlelight and secluded booths one could ask for at a fraction of the price. As long as you don't mind rubbing elbows (literally) with other patrons a lot of the time due to the lack of room, the Bowen Arrow may prove to be a favorite restaurant.
The Opera
Originally planned in 1689, finally built in 1725, the Opera House is one of Bully Harbour's greatest architectural achievements. Despite countless hardships during the construction process - discovering a lake beneath the foundation, multiple fires, countless hauntings, and wives who only pack tuna sandwiches without condiments for lunch - the completion of the building was a major cause for celebration and confusion, since few beasts at the time knew or remembered what opera even was.
The building itself is shaped rather like an upside-down U, with the main performance hall inside the U. Between the "pillars" can be found the seating and entrance halls, while in the curve, the stage is set. The U itself describes the main hallways of the Opera, with, again, the pillars being where the audience mills about, the kitchens being somewhat below that, nearer the curve, and the curve itself hosting the performer's rooms and props storage. In the yard outside, a small rickshaw business has set itself up to deliver Insanely Rich to and fro their Area , as the Opera House is located significantly south of their usual habitat; it lies, in fact, very near Satire Square, the main piazza for artists of all sorts - usually hungry ones who wouldn't mind stooping to some purse-snatching in the dead of night after an Opera has sufficiently unsettled one's nerves.
The Opera is most famous for its peanuts, which are without a doubt the best in Bully Harbour, if not the Imperium itself.
It also has flying buttresses. So nyah.