Ralynn Waverunner
Bosun of the Golden Hide
Branched from https://vulpineimperium.net/threads/the-urk-expedition.18/
Ralynn nods crisply at Talinn's order, her ears snapping to attention. "Aye aye, Minister!" She turns smartly on her heel, fixing Morgan with a stern gaze. "Ye heard 'is Grace. Wit' me, noo." Her voice is firm, brooking no argument.
She strides towards the jill, her small frame set sharp and stern. Ralynn escorts her out onto the main deck, the sea breeze whipping at their fur, carrying with it the smells of the sea and the day's fish catch being hauled in.
Ralynn steers Morgan to a spot near the mainmast, positioning her firmly at attention. "Stand straight, eyes forward," she barks, circling the jill like a drill sergeant inspecting a raw recruit. Ah dinnae like this part o' tha' job. But part o' the job 'tis, and Ah'll do it proper, so Ah will.
Ralynn comes to a halt in front of her, paws clasped behind her back, ears erect and quivering slightly. "Noo then," she says, her voice low and dangerous, "would ye care tae explain tae me why ye thought it proper tae barge intae a meetin' o' officers wit' the Minister himself? Mayhaps Captain Gyles ran 'is ship loose, but what he might 'ave allowed afore is nae longer flyin', d'ye understand?"
The rabbit begins to pace, her footsteps thumping out a sharp rhythm on the deck. "Wit' a Minister o' the Imperium on board, the crew will be held tae a higher standard. An' that means knowin' yer place an' stickin' tae it." God she sounded like her mother in ways she never expected.
She whirls to face Morgan again, her brown eyes hard as agates. "Ye'll await the Minister's judgment, an' pray he's in a merciful mood." She jabs a claw at the jill. "Tell me, then: What've ye to say fer yersel'?"
@Morgan Liu @Duke Talinn Ryalor
Ralynn nods crisply at Talinn's order, her ears snapping to attention. "Aye aye, Minister!" She turns smartly on her heel, fixing Morgan with a stern gaze. "Ye heard 'is Grace. Wit' me, noo." Her voice is firm, brooking no argument.
She strides towards the jill, her small frame set sharp and stern. Ralynn escorts her out onto the main deck, the sea breeze whipping at their fur, carrying with it the smells of the sea and the day's fish catch being hauled in.
Ralynn steers Morgan to a spot near the mainmast, positioning her firmly at attention. "Stand straight, eyes forward," she barks, circling the jill like a drill sergeant inspecting a raw recruit. Ah dinnae like this part o' tha' job. But part o' the job 'tis, and Ah'll do it proper, so Ah will.
Ralynn comes to a halt in front of her, paws clasped behind her back, ears erect and quivering slightly. "Noo then," she says, her voice low and dangerous, "would ye care tae explain tae me why ye thought it proper tae barge intae a meetin' o' officers wit' the Minister himself? Mayhaps Captain Gyles ran 'is ship loose, but what he might 'ave allowed afore is nae longer flyin', d'ye understand?"
The rabbit begins to pace, her footsteps thumping out a sharp rhythm on the deck. "Wit' a Minister o' the Imperium on board, the crew will be held tae a higher standard. An' that means knowin' yer place an' stickin' tae it." God she sounded like her mother in ways she never expected.
She whirls to face Morgan again, her brown eyes hard as agates. "Ye'll await the Minister's judgment, an' pray he's in a merciful mood." She jabs a claw at the jill. "Tell me, then: What've ye to say fer yersel'?"
@Morgan Liu @Duke Talinn Ryalor
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