Recent content by Duke Talinn Ryalor

  1. Duke Talinn Ryalor

    The Urk Expedition

    Talinn was grateful towards Gyles for backing him and showing him a little bit of leniency, although he could never say such publicly, it was important for one’s subordinates to genuinely respect their superiors and commanding was much more of a two-way street than most in Amarone or even the...
  2. Duke Talinn Ryalor

    For those who happen across this, the site is still in a alpha state.

    If you have questions during this time, please join our Discord. We plan to move to a 1.0 release sometime mid-march People I've noticed who have joined and have not yet introduced themselves on discord. @RMDTech This thread will be deleted upon the 1.0 release of the site.
  3. Duke Talinn Ryalor

    The Urk Expedition

    Talinn watched the entire spectacle go down, contrary to what Morgan, Vihma, and Greeneye might think, not with some kind of sadistic pleasure, or perhaps only a bit if he were to be honest, but with a look of genuine concern flashing across his face. It was clear the beasts on the Hide had...
  4. Duke Talinn Ryalor

    The Urk Expedition

    As Talinn watched the events unfold, he inwardly sighed, once again reflecting how often he had to play or be perceived as the villain, even when he tried to do good. He admitted he could be quite a bastard at times, but they were truly, in his opinion, not that many, especially in comparison to...
  5. Duke Talinn Ryalor

    The Urk Expedition

    Talinn was a fox who had seen much in his over half a century of military training and discipline, having started his tutelage under his uncle Alexei when he was just a mere seven years old all those years ago in Fyador. He had seen, and disciplined, many soldiers and seabeasts of all stripes...
  6. Duke Talinn Ryalor

    The Urk Expedition

    There was definitely something deeper going on between Morgan, Silvertongue, and Greeneye than what met the eye, if the Songfox was willing to go this far even after already being told and even after already securing some leniency in exchange for him striking out the first count. That could be...
  7. Duke Talinn Ryalor

    The Urk Expedition

    As Morgan stepped forward and answered, interestingly with something of a different accent-something he wondered about-he continued, voice loud enough for all the crew to hear. “Seabeast Morgan has been charged with one count of unauthorized access to an officer’s meeting, and one count of...
  8. Duke Talinn Ryalor

    The Urk Expedition

    Talinn carefully watched the two as they swore the oath of office, noting the distinct difference between how they swore and the influence that the fox seemed to have over the searat, which had seemed like a constant theme throughout their interactions. He was also beginning to form a bit of a...
  9. Duke Talinn Ryalor

    The Urk Expedition

    Giving them both a nod, Talinn waited for Gyles to arrive as a witness before speaking, before raising his voice and his right paw to his heart and speaking forrmally. “Place your dominant paw above your heart, and repeat the following, inserting your full name when appropriate," I, insert...
  10. Duke Talinn Ryalor

    The Urk Expedition

    Continued in part from "In Trouble On The First Day" Talinn offered a genuine pleased smile, although perhaps not for the reasons either of them might like as the two beasts before him signed the document, sealing their fate for at least the next year. Comparatively speaking it had been...
  11. Duke Talinn Ryalor

    The Urk Expedition

    Talinn nodded at the information, dutifully writing it down, then grabbed three more pieces of parchment. As he scribbled down brief messages on each of them, he reflected on the two beasts in front of them. A bit of an odd duo, but complementary, the fox clearly carrying water hard for the...
  12. Duke Talinn Ryalor

    The Urk Expedition

    @Silvertongue Songfox Talinn glanced up at the pair for a moment, expression unreadable, before putting his quill back on the page and writing some more. Then, he asked a few questions, tone neutral and unconcerned. “Is that a few hundred beasts in total, or a few hundred per ship? In terms...
  13. Duke Talinn Ryalor

    Ralynn Waverunner

    @Ralynn Waverunner Approved.
  14. Duke Talinn Ryalor

    The Urk Expedition

    Talinn diligently moved his quill across the page, writing down each and every word the younger todd spoke while occasionally glancing up at the two, who appeared satisfactorily mortified enough for him to believe that they were telling the truth. He already had a feeling where this was going...
  15. Duke Talinn Ryalor

    The Urk Expedition

    Talinn’s reply was firm, yet his voice was measurably warmer than it was before, and his gaze softened a touch as Silvie in effect prostrated himself before him. Perhaps he was simply getting older and his edge was becoming dulled or maybe it was because he was simply tired of having to be the...