The Urk Expedition

Continued From the Archive
Talinn turned his attention to Gyles as the short stoat spoke, his expression a carefully crafted neutral learned by over a decade in the Empress’s Court, where the slightest misstep could spell misfortune, often deadly. He patiently listened to the First Mate’s explanation, noting he was smart enough to not even attempt to offer an excuse for his failure as well being as deferential in a way that the less sophisticated types of Bully Harbor could be. He did not ignore the reference to the past assistance Gyles had provided during the attempt on his life-a bold move when accounting for one’s failure in the present, but he respected the gumption and understood the power of calling in favors for past debts-he himself had played that card many, many times, and House Ryalor could not afford to be seen as ungrateful these days. Especially when accounting for the...arrangement...he had worked out with the Empress during that fateful encounter a decade ago.

He would accept the First Mate’s apology, but let the silence linger for a bit before he responded, it was always good to have one’s underlings sweat a little, if only to keep them sharp on their footpaws.

Cracking a slight smile, he accepted the rum, noting its age and quality as he turned it around in his paws. He suspected it would set Gyles back quite a few weeks, possibly months, of pay, and that would be a sufficient punishment enough.

“Ah, 1729, a good year…” Talinn mused softly, for a moment remembering his younger self, full of vim, vigor, and ambition. “I accept your gift, Mate Stowett, although I fear business must take precedence before pleasure as your supposition is quite correct.”

Setting aside the rum on the desk, he turned to the curious trio who now entered the increasingly cramped cabin. Ms. Waverunner, a rather foppish looking sort of fox, and what appeared to be a seasoned searat. The fact that they had made their way to the cabin meant that the rabbit had judged them sufficiently skilled or at least trainable, but it was important to ask anyway.

“Well, Miss Waverunner, I presume you have found these two capable to serve in her illustrious Majesty’s navy?” He asked, leaning forward with his arms on the desk. He was, for once, truly interested in the answer as it was quite rare that fairly skilled seabeasts would join the navy this way.

@Gyles @Morgan Liu @Vihmastaja @Silvertongue Songfox
La! Wonder what the old fellah's up to, eh? All the crew's buzzin' about it like a lot of demmed bees on a honeycomb.
For a moment, Gyles Stowett thought to inquire after the particular nature of this "business" the Minister had in mind. Instead, he nodded curtly and held his peace, content to stand by the Minister, paws clasped behind his back, eyes forward. There was something brewing, that was for certain, but the scent of it escaped even him. If there was to be some deeper explanation, Talinn would speak it.

His focus shifted to the newcomers, led by that rabbit - he could never quite remember the name. Railin', something like that. Now, that was an odd one, odder than the two foxes fetching her wake. Why had a rabbit signed aboard a vermin ship, in a vermin nation like this? Certainly, her kind were as free as any citizen under certain recent decrees, but such things as decrees and edicts were just words in the wind, especially among the hardened killers of the Navy. She must've known the life would not come easy, so why had she chosen it? It transgressed all sense. And worse, it just bothered him, though whether he should find her pitiable or suspect, he presently couldn't be sure. She seemed artless, anyhow - all her motives frankly on display - but somehow he felt there was more to the story than the immediately obvious.

Then there were the foxes - arguing, bickering, bantering like a couple of old shrews. What sort of misfits had Waverunner dragged in this Milarkus morning?
Morgan had been busy inspecting the hold for signs of leaks. That was her go-to excuse whenever she got bored and fell asleep atop a sack of potatoes. She'd expected adventure, or at least a fair bit of antics. It turned out that the sea was just as boring as land most of the time, just with far fewer places to go.

That being said, the first interesting thing to happen - the arrival of the interim captain, the Minister of Innovation himself - was enough to rekindle her interest. She'd heard her mother Bezine grumble a bit about the Ryalors; apparently they had been quite controversial back in the day, and Talinn was especially so, even now. Such a polarizing figure was well worth getting to know, at least in Morgan's estimation. At least he probably wouldn't be as boring as his ship was so far.

Morgan slipped into the cabin, trying not to draw attention to herself. She beamed as she spotted Silvertongue and Greeneye. So, they'd made their way onboard as well, huh? About time, she decided. As nice as it was to have Vihma around, she needed a bit of chaos in her life to keep things interesting, and the pair were certainly good at that. She stuck her paws in the pockets of her leather jacket, lounging against the wall and observing the group. The seated fox had to be Talinn Ryalor; for one, he was old, albeit in that strangely handsome way that would probably make younger vixens swoon. 'Distinguished', was that what they called it? Foxes held no appeal for Morgan, but she could judge aesthetics as much as the next beast. The hare - one of the officers, she believed - was a surprise to her, mainly because she didn't meet many goodbeasts - sorry, woodlanders, she corrected herself. As for the stoat, he looked older - younger than her parents, but definitely old enough that they'd both blow up at her if she came home with her arm in his. That almost made it tempting, except that he looked far too respectable for her. Respectable, she'd found, was far too boring, even in the short term. Ah well, she reflected. So much for that potential source of amusement. She settled her attention on the room at large, observing the group to get a sense of the dynamics at play.
Ralynn nods crisply, her long ears bouncing slightly with the motion. "Aye, Minister. From their gait an' their talk, Ah reckon tha' twain of'em knoo how to handle themselves ain a ship and could serve as crew," she says, her lilting brogue musical, but carrying all the authority she can muster, determined to step up into her role. She gives the stoat Greeneye a subtly dubious look, whiskers twitching, then adds quite pointedly, "Though Ah may advise some trainin' in navy discipline an' excellence, Minister, sir."

The words taste sour on her tongue the moment she utters them, and she almost regrets the addition, almost wishes she could take them back. But then, as the wood creaks and sways beneath her feet and the ship itself seems to speak, she changes her mind again. It was best to find out before a crisis if the pair could stand up to the pressures of life at sea and follow orders without question. The consequences otherwise didn't bear contemplating.

Her keen eyes catch Gyles looking her direction, and subconsciously her nose twitches in consideration. Seems a fren'ly sort, aye, and one with a fair taste fer spirits, she muses silently. Mayhaps Ah can get on 'is good side enough to cadge a dram or two noo and again. The prospect brings a pleasant warmth to her belly.

Ralynn's long ears flick, swiveling to pick up the soft scrape of claws on wood--the sound of the ferret, Morgan, slinking into the room. Ralynn had seen the beast about here and there, flitting in and out of notice like a wisp of smoke, but had yet to pin her down and get to know her properly. We're all gonna be dafty great friends afore this voyage is through, Ah'll wager, she thinks with an inward smile and the glow of optimism.

The cabin is close and warm, the air heavy with the mingled scents of beeswax polish, aged rum, and unwashed fur. Dust motes dance in the sunbeams spilling through the leaded glass windows, suspended and glittering golden in the brilliance. For a moment, the scene seems almost peaceful. Some instinct in Ralynn senses that feeling to be just a temporary lull, the deep breath before the plunge into the unknown. She feels the future her bones, like the ache of an old wound before a storm.

Doon' let yer nerves do yer head in noo, she chides herself, keep yer ship watertight an' yer mates out oot o'tha sea, an' what can go wrong?
Talinn glanced to the side for a moment as a younger looking jill entered the room uncalled for and unannounced, wondering if she was another officer of some sort since that is who the meeting was for less the fox and searat who had specifically been called for or if more naval discipline and decorum had been violated. If it was the latter he would definitely have a talking-to with Gyles in private, though he would be lenient about it as the fact of the matter was the Imperium was beastpower strapped, the Navy especially so after the chaos of the last three decades. Grim times.

Returning his attention to Ralynn, he nodded.

“Thank you, Bosun.” He replied formally, eyeing both Silvertongue and Greeneye for some time, before grabbing a piece of faded parchment and a quill which he dabbed into the inkpot, proceeding to write something down on it before glancing up at the pair again with piercing cool blue eyes.

“I am Talinn of House Ryalor, Duke of Westisle and Minister of Innovation in service of her Majesty Amélie, first of her name. A pleasure to meet the two of you If you would, tell me your names, ages, from whence you hail, and a brief summary of how you arrived in our Empress’s domain?” Talinn was forthright, if perhaps slightly tired yet polite, as he spoke. He needed their basic information before he could get them to sign themselves over to a binding contract on pain of death to serve years in a job frought with various mortal risks, fighting, and intrigue for for comparatively low pay for an Empress who in all likelihood would never even know their position yet alone their names exciting opportunity to travel the world, gain useful employment experience with great compensation and benefits, for the glory of the Empress who cherished the lives of all her subjects.

@Ralynn Waverunner @Morgan Liu @Gyles @Vihmastaja @Silvertongue Songfox
Silvertongue stared in shock at a moment. This gentleman was as cultured as he was. He felt like he could fit in.

"Well, Sir Talinn, I am honored to make your acquaintance. I am Silvertongue Songfox, son of Firetail Songfox, he being the son of Darksnout Songfox... et cetera."

Silvertongue bowed deeply, holding his hat to his chest. "I'm 21 years of age, sir. We're from...." He faltered for a moment. "Um... We're from... someplace. Someplace that I don't think is on your maps. We've never heard of the Empress before now. You see, uhm... how we got here..."

He hesitated, looking towards his companion worriedly. "Should we tell him...?"
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Greeneye huffed and he stepped forward. "The name's Greeneye. This stuttering worrywart here is me travelling companion, so we came 'ere together. I'm a fair few seasons older 'n him. I don' really know numbers well."

Greeneye put his hook on the desk. "We ain't from around here. All yer fancy titles an' yer Empress might intimidate Silvie, but it don't work on me."

The rat met Talinns' piercing gaze. "I can tell ye the truth o' why we're 'ere, or I can let me mate feed ye whatever honey-coated lie 'e is concotin' in his head right now. Which is it?"
Light on his paws, Gyles sprang forward in an instant, keen bladetip hovering dangerously below the rat's chin like an angry wasp. He tut-tutted coolly.
"Tsk! Now then, fellah. Devil knows Duke Talinn's gettin' long in the fang - but his hearin's just fine." There was a twinkle of mischief in the killer's lazy eyes. He indicated with a nod of his head that the newcomer was standing too close, and that his hook was not a welcome addition to the tableware. His tone shifted temperature dramatically: the next words the stoat spoke were ice-cold. "Let's not make a mess of things in front of the Minister." His cabin had already been rearranged quite enough lately, thank you very much, without having some silly rat's tripes decorating the thing. Besides, he had decided he liked the pair.
Ralynn's ears lay back flat against her skull as she steps forward, her small frame vibrating with indignation. "Here noo," she snaps at the rat, her normally lilting brogue sharp as a whip-crack, "Thair's nae need for such bollocks. Ye'll keep a civil tongue in yer head when speakin' tae tha' Minister, or ye'll find yersel' regrettin' tha cheek."

Her brown eyes blaze, boring into Greeneye with the heat of her ire. The very fur on her neck and shoulders bristles, standing on end as if she's about to launch herself bodily at the impudent rodent. In this moment, there is no trace of the bouncy, bright-eyed rabbit who welcomed them aboard. This Ralynn is all steel and fire, a true bosun of the Imperial Navy, ready to defend her ship and her commanding officer with fang and claw if need be.

She spares a glance at Gyles, noting with grim approval the gleaming blade poised at Greeneye's throat. Good on ye, mate, she thinks fiercely. Gi' tha' scurvy git a taste o' Navy justice, aye, an' see how 'e likes it! Her hand instinctively strays to just above her saber's hilt.

But even in her anger, Ralynn's sense of duty and protocol holds true. She turns to Talinn, drawing herself up to her full height (which, admittedly, is not much compared to the towering fox). "This is wha' Ah was sayin', yer grace," she says, her voice tight with controlled fury. "The fox seems a good sort, the rat an able sailor. But when tha' guns are blazin' and the foebeast is climbin' tha keel, Ah'm no sure we can trust'em tae stand wi' us. As like tae turn tail an' save their ein fur as tae stan' and fight as mates."

She shakes her head, long ears swaying with the motion. "Ah've seen some afore, Minister, as Ah'm sure ye have as well. Rogues an' ruffians wi' nary a scrap o' honor or loyalty in their black hearts. They'll swill yer grog an' eat yer rations quick enough, aye, but when the steel starts flashin' an' the blood starts flowin'...." She makes a dismissive gesture. "Poof! They'll scarper like fleas fleein' a sinkin' rat, an' leave us all tae die. If it were just tha' fox, Ah'd say a good ditty of an evenin' won't be amiss, an' another hand at duties is always welcome. But tae take one is tae take'em both, or neither. Perhaps there be an oath tha' would bind the two of'em, hold them to thair word?"

Ralynn's chest heaves with the force of her tirade, her cheeks flushed beneath their golden fur. She knows she's speaking out of turn, knows that it's not her place to question the Minister's decisions. But blast it all, she can't just stand by and let some mangy bilge-rat disrespect the chain of command like this! Not on her watch, not on her ship.

Ralynn stands firm, chin lifted, eyes still blazing, ready to face whatever consequences her boldness may bring. But she will not apologize, will not back down. Not when the safety and honor of the Hide and her crew are at stake.
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Morgan watched in horror as Greeneye provoked these beasts, ones so powerful that considering the heights they'd climbed down from to be here made her head swim from vertigo. She knew very well that Greeneye was an acquired taste; as a bit of an acquired taste herself, she could recognize it in others easily enough. The difference was her mothers had spent years drilling it into her head as to how to recognize a situation where she was better off shutting up and not making enemies. Greeneye's mother had apparently never given him that lesson.

"If'n I may, yer officerships?" She didn't know what the words were coming out of her mouth, or the accent for that matter. Her brain was probably trying to find something between the stoat's received pronunciation, the minister's southern Fyadorian, Greeneye's growl, and the rabbit's brogue. This many accents in one room was leaving her poor brain dizzy as it tried to pick what was best for the situation.

Morgan reluctantly stepped forward, clearing her throat. "I know these two decen'ly well. They're good friends of me mum, did 'er far more 'n a solid when she got 'ere. Greenie 'ere migh' not be mucha one fer manners, but 'e's as loyal to Silvie 'ere as any knigh' to 'is lord. Y' do righ' by Silvie an' I don't think y'll ever 'ave a problem outta 'im." It was as close as she could get to vouching for the strength of their bond without exposing anything they might not want to be said. She wilted a bit under the attention of the leaders in the room, but planted her feet and locked her arms with paws clasped behind her back, setting her shoulders resolutely. She'd made her point, and she wasn't gonna undermine it by looking unsure of herself.
"Sneakin up on me from me blind side, eh? Yer gutless." Greeneye growled, his hackles raised as he lifted his chin slightly. It was Ralynn's words, however, that made his anger flare up. He couldn't even wait for Morgan to finish speaking as he stepped back from Talinns' desk, lifting up his hook and yanking Gyles sword away from his face. "Are ye callin' me a coward?!" His one green eye seemed to be ablaze with a fury that could match the rabbits as he turned to face her. "Do I look like the type o' beast what runs away from a fight?!" He tilted his head. "Do I? Forgive me, I didn't realize I 'ad just so... CLUMISLY happened to lose an eye, or a bleedin' paw an' a foot fer that matter, either!" He snarled, waving his hand in the air in frustration. "Ye 'aven't even seen me in a scrap, yet here ye are talkin' a fat load of shite! All ye fine bleedin' dandies, prancin' about so prim an' proper wit yer parades an' tea times an'-!"
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"Greeneye!" Silvertongue exclaimed, walking foward and grabbing the rats shoulder. "Please, control yourself! This is our chance, remember?"

Greeneye turned to Silvertongue for a moment, and he glared at Ralynn and Gyles, but he said nothing else. It seemed the young fox was able to cool his companion's temperament with ease.

Silvertongue nodded and he turned to Talinn. "Sir Talinn, I can only beg your forgiveness for my dear Greeneye. He's... quick to anger."

Silvertongue turned and gave Morgan an apologetic look. He couldn't bear the thought of her getting in trouble for their sakes.
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Ralynn's ears droop slightly as Morgan steps forward to vouch for the pair, a twinge of shame pricking at her heart. Mayhaps Ah was a wee bit hasty in mah judgement, she thinks ruefully. The jill seems a canny sort, an' if she trusts 'em...

But before she can ponder further, Greeneye explodes into a tirade, his hackles raised and his lone eye blazing with fury. Ralynn instinctively takes a step back, her paw twitching towards the dirk at her hip. Bless mah boats, she thinks wildly, 'e's madder'an a toad in a tanner's apron!

As the rat rails against her accusations of cowardice, waving his hook in the air, Ralynn feels a flush of embarrassment creep beneath her fur. She realizes with a sinking feeling that she may have misjudged him. Those aren't the injuries of a craven, after all. Ye dinnae get scars like tha' by runnin' away, ye numptin, she chides herself.

Silvertongue's intervention is a blessed relief, breaking the tension like a cool breeze through a stuffy room. Ralynn shoots him a grateful look, then turns to Talinn, her ears laid back in contrition.

"Apologies, Minister," she says, her voice even. "It seems Ah spoke outta turn. If Miss Morgan an' Mister Silvertongue vouch fer 'im, mayhaps there's more tae Mister Greeneye than the color o' 'is fur." She risks a glance at the seething rat, trying to convey her regret. "Ah dinnae mean tae impugn yer honor, sir. Ah'll be frank..." She straightens, a flicker of her earlier fire returning. "Ye've a braw an' raw way about ye, which Ah could stand, but ye're alwus threatenin' and sass-talkin'. It's nae yer courage I question -- it's yer loyalty. Ye've nae reason to be loyal, as 'tis clear ye've no love of the Navy, the Empress, or much use fer rank. Can ye follow orders, or will everybeast get a tongue-lashin' and a hook waved under their nose fer their trouble?"

Ralynn looks to Talinn. Her loyalty to the ship and its beasts is bone-deep, as much a part of her as her golden fur and long ears. She would sooner cut off her own foot-paw than see them come to harm.

"But Ah trust yer judgment, Minister," she says finally, bowing her head. "If ye deem 'em worthy, then Ah'll stand by yer decision, come hell or high water. Mah duty is tae you an' the Hide, first an' foremost."

With that, she steps back, her piece said. She can only hope that her outburst hasn't cost her too dearly in Talinn's eyes. But she doesn't regret speaking her mind. Better to voice her concerns now than to stay silent and risk disaster later.
“Silence!” Talinn replied cooly, his voice low and as chill as the ship’s eventual destination, piercing blue eyes meeting Greeneye’s without hesitation, before staring directly at the impertinent jill who had not only entered the room when she had no permission to do so, but now actually had the temerity to speak when not spoken to. Talinn had carefully gone over the officer’s list on the Hide before his arrival and knew no such beast had an officer’s position, meaning she was just a regular crewbeast. This lack of discipline may have been tolerated before, but it would not be under his watch. The Imperium could no longer afford it, not if it were to survive the challenges to come.

“Bosun Waverunner!” he barked, gesturing at Ralynn, then the jill. Escort that seabeast to the main deck, she has no right to be here as she was not called for, nor is she an officer on the Hide! Keep her standing there, at attention, until my business is concluded here and I have decided what measure of discipline might best be applied to her. That is an order!”

Turning to the pair before him, his eyes met that of the foppy looking todd before him, Talinn’s cool blue eyes meeting the younger fox’s less burdened ones. He leaned back for a moment, in thought, before speaking, slowly and methodically, with a calm authority backed by nearly forty years in the military.

“Mr. Songfox, since you do not hail from our Imperium, I think it is only fair to you that I inform you and your companion that striking this desk or Mate Stowett’s sword while he is acting in the capacity of an officer in Her majestic Navy is equivalent to striking the desk or the blade of our Empress herself, with all the unpleasant consequences prescribed as a result. Perhaps you may wish to explain this quietly to your companion for a moment so that he may more fully appreciate what that entails, and perhaps I may be inclined towards assuming that such actions were unintentional, caused by the unusually rough waters in the harbor today, which unfortunately led him to inadvertently stumble and commit such. This would thus absolve him of responsibility, and we can return to our business.”

He was deciding to be unusually generous today, and he hoped that fox before him was able to understand the full gravity of the situation his partner had put them in and convince him to hold his tongue. Contrary to what the majority of the Imperium thought about him, he did not like to take lives or hurt beasts unless the situation required it.

@Ralynn Waverunner @Silvertongue Songfox @Gyles @Morgan Liu
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Silvertongue swallowed nervously, wilting under Talinn's gaze. "He won't act up again, Sir Talinn. I promise." Silvertongue turned and glared at Greeneye, before he know stepped closer to the desk, once again taking off his hat and holding it to his chest. "Sir Talinn, please forgive me for speaking out of line, but... Sir. Please do not punish Morgan. She needs the opportunity to be on this ship just as much as myself and my partner, if not more so."

He bowed deeply. "I would be willing to take whatever punishment Morgan would get, Sir. I just ask that you spare Morgan for trying to defend us, and my dear Greeneye for being a fool."

Despite the supposedly brave act that Silvertongue was putting on, he was slightly trembling as he stood with his head bowed deeply to Talinn, staring at the ground and almost holding his breath.
Greeneye's eye widened in shock at this, and he went to step forward, but he stopped. He shouldn't have let his temper get this best of him in the first place. This was all his fault, and he had no choice but to face the music.
Morgan felt her spirits crash down as she was harshly rebuked. She hadn't thought it was an issue that she'd come in; no one had yelled at her or told her to leave, they'd just ignored her. She'd figured that whatever they had to say was probably meant to be heard by the crew, at least eventually. A part of her, a small, indignant part she'd inherited from her mother, wanted to scream, shout, and protest the unfairness of the situation. The other part of her, the one from her mum, meekly followed Raelyn out the door, tail between her legs and small ears flat to her skull. "I'm getting fired, aren't I?" she asked quietly, the question entirely rhetorical. Mother's gonna kill me.
Talinn’s reply was firm, yet his voice was measurably warmer than it was before, and his gaze softened a touch as Silvie in effect prostrated himself before him. Perhaps he was simply getting older and his edge was becoming dulled or maybe it was because he was simply tired of having to be the villain all the time in order to keep the Imperium and his House running and safe from the many horrors both small and large that he oftentimes felt only he could perceive. In many ways being a Minister was like being a father, always watching out and protecting his kits from threats that they could not even fathom yet alone do anything about, and while he had done a middling job at best at that with his own kits, he was determined to do a better job for the Empress now.

“As I said, there is nothing to apologize for, Mr. Songfox. Your companion simply tripped and happened to steady himself on the desk and Mate Stowett's sword due to unpredictable waters…” He motioned with one paw for Gyles to sheathe his sword. “As for Seabeast ‘Morgan’ as you call her, she signed up and subjected herself to the Empress’s law of her own free will, with all the responsibilities and benefits there afforded, and has been read the Admiralty’s Book of War and Conduct as we do every week so nobeast may claim ignorance or forgetfulness. She made a series of choices in violation of those rules, and will receive the punishments as prescribed.”

Talinn made sure to speak loudly enough so that the Morgan could hear as she was being led out of the room. It was always good to make them sweat a little, no matter what happened.

Reclining back, he spoke again.

“You may stand up fully, Mr. Songfox,” he stated, tapping his right paw on the table again before speaking, “As to Seabeast Morgan, the Book gives wide discretion to the commanding officer as to what such punishments shall be. And, for the moment, that authority has been vested in me.”

Talinn picked up his quill again, placing it in the same spot he did before Greeneye’s interruption, noting Morgan had, at this point, fully exited the room, which he had been waiting for before continuing.

“The Empress impresses upon all her appointed officers and Ministers to be just, yet merciful, in their judgments. One of the ways to help secure a just and perhaps some might say lenient outcome is to show the virtue of honesty towards one’s superiors.” He looked up, his eyes meeting both the fox’s and the searat’s for a moment before focusing back on his piece of parchment.

“Now then, from where did you say you hailed, and what brought you to our Imperium?”

@Morgan Liu @Gyles @Ralynn Waverunner @Silvertongue Songfox
Silvertongue straightened himself putting on his hat as he glanced towards Greeneye, who nodded silently.

Silvertongue then turned back to Talinn. "Well, Sir Talinn, as has been stated previously, we do not come from these lands. We have... never had a place that we have called our home. Greeneye and I... we both grew up on the seas, sir. For us, home was the ship our parents sailed on..."

He hesitated for a moment, before continuing. "As to how we arrived here, I'm afraid it was completely by chance. We didn't have any maps on us, we were just... sailing. Seeing where the winds and the currents would take us. We couldn't afford to stay still..."

He sighed. "There are foul, evil creatures that have been chasing us relentlessly. That's how we ended up here."