Continued From the Archive
Talinn turned his attention to Gyles as the short stoat spoke, his expression a carefully crafted neutral learned by over a decade in the Empress’s Court, where the slightest misstep could spell misfortune, often deadly. He patiently listened to the First Mate’s explanation, noting he was smart enough to not even attempt to offer an excuse for his failure as well being as deferential in a way that the less sophisticated types of Bully Harbor could be. He did not ignore the reference to the past assistance Gyles had provided during the attempt on his life-a bold move when accounting for one’s failure in the present, but he respected the gumption and understood the power of calling in favors for past debts-he himself had played that card many, many times, and House Ryalor could not afford to be seen as ungrateful these days. Especially when accounting for the...arrangement...he had worked out with the Empress during that fateful encounter a decade ago.
He would accept the First Mate’s apology, but let the silence linger for a bit before he responded, it was always good to have one’s underlings sweat a little, if only to keep them sharp on their footpaws.
Cracking a slight smile, he accepted the rum, noting its age and quality as he turned it around in his paws. He suspected it would set Gyles back quite a few weeks, possibly months, of pay, and that would be a sufficient punishment enough.
“Ah, 1729, a good year…” Talinn mused softly, for a moment remembering his younger self, full of vim, vigor, and ambition.
“I accept your gift, Mate Stowett, although I fear business must take precedence before pleasure as your supposition is quite correct.”
Setting aside the rum on the desk, he turned to the curious trio who now entered the increasingly cramped cabin. Ms. Waverunner, a rather foppish looking sort of fox, and what appeared to be a seasoned searat. The fact that they had made their way to the cabin meant that the rabbit had judged them sufficiently skilled or at least trainable, but it was important to ask anyway.
“Well, Miss Waverunner, I presume you have found these two capable to serve in her illustrious Majesty’s navy?” He asked, leaning forward with his arms on the desk. He was, for once, truly interested in the answer as it was quite rare that fairly skilled seabeasts would join the navy this way.
@Gyles @Morgan Liu @Vihmastaja @Silvertongue Songfox