The Urk Expedition: Cold in the Crow's Nest

((Closed thread with @Morgan Liu, branched from The Urk Expedition))

For a while there was nothing to say. Vihma huddled tightly against Morgan as the two came together, the creamy ferret's fur a stark contrast against her own tawny and gold color. She was warm under her, warm as she could be, stuck high up in the frigid air after being soaked in cold water. She still shivered, but no longer so violently that it made it hard for her to move.

Not that she had any desire to move. Morgan was stronger than she was, more firmly built. She felt safe with her, even after all that had happened. So long as she hadn't lost her, the day could still end well.

"Y-yer not a s-screwup, Morgan. 'arken t'me..."

Her voice was a lot clearer now - less beset by chattering teeth or shivering - but delicate, as though afraid she'd somehow drive the other jill off by saying the wrong thing or speaking in the wrong way. Though cold, she squirmed under the ferret, trying to wrap her paws around her, to pull her in closer, and share some of the warmth she'd been allowed to keep.

"Y-ye've g-got t'be - the b-bravest beast I've ever m-met. 'n yer folks c-care about ye.... I care about ye..."

Vihma sniffed, either from the cold or emotion, trying to find the next words to say. She'd gone so long living just to stay alive - it felt strange to try to convince another beast of her value to others.

"P-promise me y-ye won't g-get y'self killed, t-that ye'll be s-safer. P-please... j-just promise…"
Morgan was slowly freezing. Ironically, it was Vihma who was warm now, and Morgan clung to her, letting the warmth between them be her lifeline. She listened to the weasel jill's words, surprised by the sincerity in Vihma's voice. She'd heard plenty of the same things from her mum, but that was stuff that mums were supposed to say; even Bezine, in her less exasperated moments, said similar things. When she begged Morgan to keep herself alive, though, she actually listened. She hadn't thought that she had anyone who would actually care if she died; Eirene loved her, but she'd get over it in time, Morgan was sure, and as for Bezine, losing Morgan would just be one more grudge for her to hold against the world. Vihma, though...

Morgan chuckled, though it was a bit of a weak and hoarse sound. "I ain' g-g-goin' nowhere, Vim. Y' got m-more spirit 'n I ever 'ave, y' know? M-m-mum treats y-yeh like a d-d-daughter, an' everyone 'ere r-r-respects yeh. Y' g-got it t'gether, an' I... I ain' g-g-got a c-clue wha' I'm d-d-doin'. N' wonder M-m-mum said t' l-listen t' yeh."
Vihma looked away for a moment, so much as she could when Morgan was basically on top of her. If she'd been respected aboard the Hide before, it wasn't likely to be true after this stunt.

"Yeh're wrong, m-mate. Afore y-yeh 'n yer mums, I didn't 'ave anybeast. T'was just... d-day by day, waitin' for life t' hit me wif s-somethin'. S-somethin' I couldn't run or 'ide from."

The weasel could feel Morgan's fur was still wet, and freezing cold, as she'd been. Slowly, gazing back at her, she tried rubbing her paws against the ferret's sides, trying to squeeze water from her sandy-colored fur as she had done for Vihma. It wasn't easy with the cold, and what water escaped often simply ran back onto them, making her shiver.

"Still 'aven't f-figured it out. J-just know I like ye, 'n yer s-strong, 'n brave... m-mayhaps a bit t-too much. Jus' got t'keep yer 'ead d-down, be b-brave when they want ye t'be."

Vihma pulled Morgan tight to her again, burying her muzzle into the ferret's wet, furry shoulder, trying not to cry again. She didn't know how to help her, how to keep this beast from getting into trouble again.

"Y-yeh're so cold, M-Morgan. D-d'ye want t-to switch p-places? I m-might l-last longer."
Squeezing the water from her fur, despite the counterproductive run-off, actually was helping Morgan, at least marginally. If nothing else, the brief friction warmth offset the wind chill that was beginning to numb her body. She still had enough presence of mind to consider Vihma's words. She'd never been good at keeping her head down; she was liable to start a fight at a moment's notice, or at least continue one once challenged. She'd even been ridiculed on occasion as 'blocking with her face'. She didn't know if she could go down there and 'yes, m'lord' her way through this trip with that arrogant fox.

At Vihma's offer, Morgan started, then shook her head. "N-nah," she said, though she was beginning to grow stiff and tired. She could feel her fur freezing in patches as the wind hit it. "Unless y' f-f-feel like doin' s-some jumpin' j-jacks t' warm yer b-b-blood, bes' y' stay under me."

She was quiet for a moment before she added, "S-sorry t' d-d-do this wiv yeh. If any o' th' c-c-crew give yeh g-g-guff o'er layin' 'neath m-me, tell me an' I'll s-s-sock 'em straigh' in th' t-t-teeth fer it."
Vihma actually laughed, in spite of everything. It'd taken her a moment to understand what she meant. Well, they were rather snug together.

"I t-think that'll be the l-least of my w-worries..."

She still felt ashamed for having been publicly reprimanded - and of course stripped down and humiliated in front of the whole crew. The weasel wasn't sure they'd see her the same way, after that. At the least, there'd be a lot less of the deference she'd been able to coast by on since arriving with her rating already in paw. But she'd live. And she doubted her being seen with Morgan would hurt her reputation more than it had been already.

"Y-ye might wanna b c-careful, who yer sluggin' after t-this. 'sides, yeh're n-not the worst b-beast, t'be stuck under."

The weasel could feel Morgan growing colder - despite her efforts, still running her paws through the ferret's motley fur, slacking off water where it was still drenched. Short her last suggestion, Vihma decided it'd be best to at least keep her talking.

"W-what'd'ya think of the f-first officer? G-Gyles? 'e's - he's pretty 'andsome for a s-stoat, n-neh?"
Morgan felt her eyes getting heavy. That was a bad sign; she knew that much. She could feel Vihma still trying to squeeze the water from her fur, trying to keep her talking all the while. It took her a moment to connect what the weasel was saying. "G-gyles? 'At's 'is n-name? 'E's... alrigh'." 'Gates, why was it so hard to think? "Li'l t-too much spit n' p-polish fer me. M-mother allus said I've b-bad taste in jacks. Ne'er much l-liked th' jills I b-brough' 'ome neither." She laughed weakly, more of a wheeze than anything, as she recalled, "'Enever she'd say sh-she di'n' kn-know 'ere I got m' taste in m-mates f-from, I said ih' was from M-mum. Tha' made 'er m-m-mad." Her words were becoming slurred beyond even her penchant for mimicking the accents of those around her, and her eyelids were fluttering.
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Meanwhile, Silvertongue had been pacing the deck, watching the pocketwatch intently. He knew he should be more concerned about his companions, but the intricate machinations of the clock demanded all his attention. He gingerly ran his finger along the sides of the trinket, examining the buttons and squinting at the little hands of the timepiece and some of the visible gears he was able to see.
"Shiny.... Shiny... Hide the Shiny, keep it safe."

Suddenly, the watch started to chime. It had already been an hour? He cursed himself and fidgeted with the watch, trying to figure out how to turn it off. Not being successful, he grimaced and placed the watch in his pocket.

"Morgan! Vihma!" He shouted up to them, to no avail. He took off his gloves, and started to climb the rigging with surprising grace. Gripping the ropes, he pulled himself up quickly, eventually reaching the crows' nest.

"Oh, heavens-" He winced, turning his head. Balancing on the rigging with one paw, he took his hat off and he placed it to the side before first removing his doublet and then his shirt, revealing his fluffy bare chest. "Morgan, Vihma, please cover yourselves. It isn't civil what the captain did. Making two young women strip down nearly naked in front of a ship full of men. He must be a pervert! And to think I admired him at first."

He sighed, and he shook his head as he collected himself. "Regardless, he told me you can come down now. Do you think you will be able to climb down, or should I go fetch some help?"

@Morgan Liu @Vihmastaja
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The weasel was growing more worried by the moment. Morgan could still speak - but she was noticeably slowing down. It looked as though she was about to fall asleep - to sink into the kind of slumber Vihma wasn't sure she'd come out of.

"S-stay with m-me, Morgan."

Her voice pleading once more, she wrapped her paws around the ferret, trying to rouse her from her stupor.

"T-tell me 'bout s-some of em. I g-gotta know h-how t'get yer p-parents ticked off wif me."

Vihma was beginning to think she should try and climb down the rigging - to pull Morgan along with her, somehow, or else try to run and get help for her. Luckily, she didn't have to wait long before a familiar face surfaced beyond the side of the crow's nest.


She was happy to see the fox, who'd even shed his shirt and jacket to give the jills something to wear. Their trial - or at least the worst of their trials - was over, but she couldn't celebrate just yet. Not until she had Morgan back down, warm and safe.

Trying to shift herself out from under Morgan's protective embrace, but still clinging her tightly to her in her own, the weasel almost immediately started shivering more, teeth chattering, no longer shielded against the cold wind by the ferret's larger body. Vihma couldn't take the fox's offered clothes - not yet - not while she worried whether Morgan could even come down on her own.

"Si-Silvie, c-come 'ere, m-mate. I'm f-fine, b-but I-I think Morgan m-might need y-yer help."
Morgan was conscious - just barely, her eyes fluttering near closed as she clung to Vihma. She'd started to mutter what might have been words, but they were nearly unintelligible; some of them it wasn't even clear if she was trying to speak Vulpinsulan. The only word that did seem to clear enough for certainty was "Mum," and the plaintive tone in which it was spoken conveyed the longing therein. Her arms remained tight around Vihma, seemingly determined to shelter the weasel no matter what. If she was aware of Silvertongue's presence, she made no outward show of it, and didn't react to the proffered jacket.
“No, no, you’re not done yet!” Silvertongue said to Morgan. “Come on, We just have to get down from here…” He took his doublet and wrapped it around her shoulders. “Hold on just a little longer!” He pleaded to her. He poked his head out over the edge of the crow’s nest.

“Greeneye!” He called out. To no response. “Greenie!” He called again.

“Oh for-.” He groaned and he leaned out over the edge of the rails, shouting with all his might.


His voice carried surprisingly well, or maybe not so surprisingly considering he was a singer. Either way, it was likely that every beast on the ship probably heard that shout.
Greeneye came rushing up the stairs to the deck, sword drawn. “Silvie, what’s wrong?!”

He looked around worriedly, before looking up towards the crows nest. Putting his sword away, he gripped the rat lines with one paw, before swinging himself up the lines. It was, quite frankly, an incredible display of his strength and his ability to work around his handicaps.

After a moment, he clambered into the crows nest.

“Hell’s Teeth, it’s gettin’ kinda crowded in ‘ere. Greeneye commented. “How can I help?”
As Silvertongue wrapped Morgan with his jacket, Vihma - though still exposed to the cold - continued to hold tightly to the ferret, trying to warm her, keep her awake. She couldn't much bear to let go of her, though she knew she'd have to eventually.

She was surprised when Silvertongue pulled away, though the thought registered only briefly as the fox called for help. In the end, Greeneye was there with them faster than she could have expected, and the extra help would probably be necessary.

"Silvie, G-Greeneye, w-we gotta move 'er down."

Slowly, with much care and more than enough fearful regret that it might be the wrong course of action, the shivering weasel pulled away from Morgan, reaching to take Silvertongue's offered shirt. Any reprieve from the winds was welcome at this point, especially without Morgan against her.

"I-I can get d-down m-myself. J-just 'elp Morgan, p-please."
Morgan groaned as Vihma pulled away, the warmth gone from her. She mumbled a incoherent mess of words, of which "Vim" and "Mum" were the only legible sounds. Her body was no longer shivering, which was a bad sign.
"No, no, no, not good. We have to get her down from here. Help me carry her!" Silvertongue wrapped one arm around Morgan, and he held her against his chest as began to carefully lift her out of the crow's nest.
"Silvie, I only got der one paw- what do ye expect me ter do?" Greeneye asked, before seeing the state Morgan was in. "Aight, you hold 'er by der waist, I can try somethin-"

The situation was quite precarious. Silvertongue was hanging off the rigging with only one paw, wrapping his arm tightly around Morgan. Greeneye clambered down after him.

"Keep goin. I'll catch 'er if'n she slips out o' yer grasp."
Vihma slipped Silvertongue's shirt on over herself, still shivering, but glad for the protection it offered. The fox's shirt was still warm, perceptibly so after she'd been so long in the cold. She watched him and his mate begin to try to carry Morgan down, hoping they knew what they were doing.

After they'd begun making their way down the rigging, she followed, stepping carefully as to not make a mistake despite the chill.
Morgan was lolling her head against Silvertongue's shoulder, though she'd started to shake again, which was at least a positive change. "Vim," she murmured, followed by, "S'rry." Then she fell silent again but for her shallow breathing.
Silvertongue nodded to Morgan as he gently held her in his grasp. “Come on, keep talking to me. Just say something, anything to keep you from dozing off.”

He kept climbing down, trying to be quick but at the same time being careful to hold onto Morgan.

“Your time doesn’t end here, my dear Morgan. Think about your lovely mothers. Keep on going, for their sakes.”

Eventually, he made it down to the deck. Getting his feet on solid ground, he lifted up Morgan and carried her bridal style with a strength that even surprised himself, but he didn’t have time to worry about that. “Alright, down to the infirmary.” He said, carrying her down to the lower decks of the ship.
Greeneye plopped down onto the deck and he waited beside the mast, looking up towards Vihma. “Ye need any ‘elp up dere?”
The climb down was more arduous than it had been going up. She'd been colder then, but it'd been fresh. Her time above had sapped some of her strength and coordination, so the weasel took her time descending, testing that each new line of rope was where she thought it was with her feet before lowering herself down upon it, and repeating the process with the next line down across the rigging.

All this ensured she was the last of the group to touch the deck. Still, she let herself pretend not to hear Greeneye's offer of assistance as she slowly came down, feeling the sense of shame and embarrassment from before come over her once again. Here she was, back among the crew, wearing only the barest of clothing - though also, thankfully, Silvie's shirt - and still shivering as a public reminder of the punishment she'd just been served.

Danger no longer pressing, Vihma looked away, unable to meet Greeneye's gaze.

"'m f-fine, m-mate. Just n-need t'get warm again."

Of course, she didn't mean to brush the rat off. He'd offered her help, and he'd been fast to help her and Morgan down from the crow's nest at Silvertongue's call. Suddenly awash with a sense of regret, she made herself look at him, if only in passing, as she went to follow the fox and ferret belowdecks.

"Thankee... Green-Greeneye."

She hadn't the heart to ask them how or why they'd gotten aboard the vessel. But she was glad to have them, forcing a small, wavering smile for his sake. Questions could come later - when she was a little warmer.