Silvertongue Songfox

Silvertongue Songfox


[td width="50.0000%"]Age[/td][td width="50.0000%"]21[/td]

[td width="50.0000%"]Species[/td][td width="50.0000%"]Fox[/td]

[td width="50.0000%"]Gender[/td][td width="50.0000%"]Male[/td]

[td width="50.0000%"]Height[/td][td width="50.0000%"]Average[/td]

[td width="50.0000%"]Weight[/td][td width="50.0000%"]Skinny[/td]

[td width="50.0000%"]Rank (Skill Rank)[/td][td width="50.0000%"]Master Musician, Experienced Swordsman, Rookie Archer[/td]

[td width="50.0000%"]Rank (Official)[/td][td width="50.0000%"]Outsider[/td]

[td width="50.0000%"]Alignment (Optional)[/td][td width="50.0000%"]Lawful Good[/td]

Silvertongue is a commonly colored fox and distinguishes himself with his clothing. He is almost always wearing a blue Cavalier hat with a white feather, a purple doublet, and blue pantaloons and boots. He is usually seen with a soft smile, and his light blue eyes hide his deeper emotions from the public.

Main weapon: regular steel rapier
Backup weapon: regular steel knife

Personal Belongings:
One Sprucewood Lute: Azure Bloom
One Tome: 'Songfox Family Scrapbook'
Various outfits

Silvertongue is formal and respectful and always tries to respect everyone he meets. However, when the mood strikes him, his formality fades away as his love for music and merrymaking takes over, and he becomes much more upbeat and cheerful. Silvertongue does not like to lie or cheat. If he makes a promise, he intends to keep it. He always strives to aid other creatures however he can. He yearns to protect the weak and punish those who threaten them, but he is a bit fearful of confrontation. He would show mercy to his foes if it would ever come to it but temper it with wisdom. He always tries to treat others with fairness. He wants to do as much good as possible while causing the least harm.

A talented musician, Silvertongue was trained for years by his mother in the art of lute playing.
His father did not care for the family's legacy of music-making, and preferred to teach his son more 'pratical' skills, such as sword fighting, and unarmed combat.
More than just his name, Silvertongue is... usually, capable of smoothing over tense situations with his words alone.

Despite his proficiency with a rapier, Silvertongue is a bit cowardly, and he dreads having to fight any beast.
Moreover, Silvertongue has an odd way of handling more violent situations, if he must. He has a tendency to try and knock his foes unconcious with his lute, Azure Bloom.
Silvertongue is often stricken with night terrors, and he is rarely able to get a good nights sleep.
Despite being a smooth talker at times, Silvertongue is inwardly very paranoid, and he is always imaging the worse case scenarios.

Silvertongue was raised on the seas, amongst pirates and villains. His father Firetail trained him to be a warrior, but his mother Marit taught him the ways of high society, and so he quickly mastered the best of both worlds, becoming a gentleman fox who knew his way around a rapier. After his father's death, Silvertongue eloped with his mate Greeneye, and to this day is being pursued by Ironpaw and the Red Fleet.
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