Marianna Furotazzi

[td width="508.8px"]Age[/td][td width="508.8px"]33[/td]

[td width="508.8px"]Species[/td][td width="508.8px"]Fox[/td]

[td width="508.8px"]Gender[/td][td width="508.8px"]Femme[/td]

[td width="508.8px"]Height[/td][td width="508.8px"]A bit on the short side[/td]

[td width="508.8px"]Weight[/td][td width="508.8px"]Slender[/td]

[td width="508.8px"]Skill Rank[/td][td width="508.8px"]Veteran accountant; Professional negotiator; Experienced conversationalist; Rookie manager; Rookie landscape artist; Rookie literary critic; Rookie seamstress[/td]

[td width="508.8px"]Rank (Official)[/td][td width="508.8px"]"La Sorella" of the Furotazzi crime family[/td]

[td width="508.8px"]Alignment (Optional)[/td][td width="508.8px"]Neutral Evil[/td]


Marianna Furotazzi is a short, slender vixen with red fur bordering on crimson and sharp green eyes constantly assessing everything and everyone around her. She wears fashionable dresses primarily in greens, purples, and blues, often with a long faux-fur stole around her neck. The hair atop her head and the back of her neck has been allowed to grow a bit longer, adopting a small bit of curl that gives it more body. She wears two simple jade studs in her ears, a small nod toward her mother's legacy. In cold weather, she wears a striking emerald green woolen coat that comes down to the middle of her shins, and frequently carries a dark leather purse.

-Dark leather purse containing makeup, small clutch with her coin in it, and a small dagger for self-defense
-A closet full of nice clothes that she has gone to great lengths to preserve and keep in good repair
-A disused warehouse near Fishminster's Dock that serves as the current headquarters of the Furotazzis


In comparison to her hot-headed brother Falun, Marianna frequently is referred to as the 'ice queen' of the Furotazzi Family. This is in part solely a comparison that works in proximity to her brother. While she has a far sharper intellect and more pragmatic approach to running the Family business, approaching every problem with an accountant's clinical eye and cynicism, she has hidden depths to her. In conversation she is surprisingly well-read, familiar with a wide variety of literary classics and modern pop literature alike, and even writes in to The Saturday Evening Smelt to post snippets of her critical analyses and recommendations of recently released novels. She additionally tries her hand as a landscape artist, though her work to date has been rather simplistic and lacking true inspiration. While she easily slips into the role of the cold, logical leader in comparison to her brother's emotionally-led pugilism, outside of this world of crime she would much rather the Family conduct themselves more like a legitimate business than a gang of ruffians.


Marianna is well-read and highly educated, at least to a point; while the political upheaval and unrest of her youth denied the opportunity to go to the University of Length as she'd wanted to, she benefited greatly from Vito Furotazzi's tutelage and has become a master accountant, maintaining the family's books long before her adoptive father's death. It was this acumen which allowed anything of the Furotazzi crime family to survive the demise of its patriarch. Unlike her brother, who is often guided strongly by emotion, Marianna attempts to keep a detached view of the situation, regarding it as impersonally as she can.


Marianna tends to be overly cautious, an approach that often puts her at odds with her more impulsive brother. Given her way, she would rather miss an opportunity than take a great risk, an approach that limits the growth of the Furotazzis. Despite her proficiency as an accountant and analyst, she is not naturally inclined to being as cold and aloof as she presents. She actually has a rather artistic personality and once dreamt of traveling to study art in Varangia, but events beyond her control strangled that dream in the crib. While her brother idolized Vito Furotazzi and saw him as a father figure, Marianna had a much more strained relationship with the man who raised her, leading the two to essentially settle for a mentor/pupil dynamic. While this left Marianna well-positioned to lead the Family business after his death, it has left her emotionally distant and unable to connect with most beasts, a difficulty that plagues her given her genuine desire for emotional intimacy. Her squeamishness and distaste for violence only increases the disdain that she and her brother feel for each other, and, despite their agreement that they need to work together to protect the Furotazzi legacy, their fractured relationship is a bigger threat than either want to admit.

Marianna Furotazzi was, like her brother, born on The Golden Hide, daughter to Captain Anithias Freedom and his wife Julia, the ship's surgeon. After her father's retirement into the world of politics, Marianna was raised primarily by her mother in Zann's Backyard. While her parents were estranged by the time that she turned two, leading Marianna to only develop a small level of attachment to her already emotionally-unavailable father, she was tightly bound to her mother, an attachment that would only make future events more tragic.

In a scheme orchestrated by mafioso Vito Furotazzi and his right-hand stoat Adriel Blacktip, on the same day that Julia Freedom was very publicly and brutally murdered, Marianna and her older brother Falun were kitnapped by the Furotazzi family, snatched right from Freedom Manor under the noses of their caregivers. Initially the plan had been to use them to extort Mayor Freedom for political concessions (or, perhaps, to stage their 'rescue' to ingratiate the Furotazzis to him), but the chaos of the solar flare periods unchained many of the same dangerous forces that Mayor Freedom had so recklessly stoked for his short-term benefit. When Mayor Freedom was torn apart by a mob, the Furotazzi family abruptly found themselves custodians of two small orphans, the last survivors of two fallen houses.

In a show of rare mercy, perhaps out of latent guilt for his role in their orphaning, Vito raised the Freedom kits as his own. While he kept them separate from his blood family and raised them instead in a secure domicile owned by his mafia, they were still given a quality education and, up until their teenage years, were kept strictly clear of mob business. Only as the situation grew dire did Vito bring the pair into the Family. Marianna, who always bore a deep pit of resentment for her newfound "Family" for tearing her from her mother's arms, coped by immersing herself in the emotionless world of numbers, where concepts such as good and evil, right and wrong had little sway. In this role she found a point of commonality with her captor Vito, and the pair managed to adopt a certain level of mutual respect, though the affection felt by her brother toward their 'father' never manifested in Marianna. Unknown to either sibling, however, Vito was quietly pursuing his longtime ambition of taking the Family legitimate and abandoning its criminal past, a goal that, if voiced aloud, would have threatened to destabilize the enterprise that Marianna had helped to build.

Unfortunately for Vito, he died before he could complete the transition to legitimate businessman, leaving the Furotazzis in a tenuous position. With many of the Family having either retired, gone legitimate themselves, or moved into other criminal enterprises, Julia found herself and her brother Falun, now 33 and 35 respectively, the de facto heads of the Furotazzi crime family. Having long abandoned the tarnished name of Freedom, the pair have resolved to embrace their identities as Furotazzis and restore the Family to its former glory. While the pair have no end of disputes between them, their respective skills work well together; Falun's pugilistic instincts serve him well in a line of business where ruthlessness is a virtue, Marianna's business acumen helps to keep the Family paid and recruiting. Together, they are determined to restore the Furotazzis to being the most feared criminal syndicate in the Imperium.
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