Greeneye, Son of Ironpaw

Greeneye, Son of Ironpaw

[td width="50.0000%"]Age[/td]
[td width="50.0000%"]23[/td]

[td width="50.0000%"]Species [/td]
[td width="50.0000%"]Sea Rat[/td]

[td width="50.0000%"]Gender[/td]
[td width="50.0000%"]Male[/td]

[td width="50.0000%"]Height[/td]
[td width="50.0000%"]Shorter than the average rat[/td]

[td width="50.0000%"]Weight[/td][td width="50.0000%"]Stocky[/td]

[td width="50.0000%"]Rank (Skill Rank)[/td]
[td width="50.0000%"]Experienced Swordsman, Experienced Sailor[/td]

[td width="50.0000%"]Rank (Official)[/td]
[td width="50.0000%"]Outsider[/td]

[td width="50.0000%"]Alignment (Optional)[/td]
[td width="50.0000%"] Chaotic Neutral[/td]

Greeneye is a common sea rat, with an eyepatch over his right eye. He wears an earring in his left ear. His left paw and footpaw are notably missing, replaced with a hook and a metal prosthetic footpaw. His one, and only outfit, is a green tunic and a chainmail chestplate, along with green pantaloons and a brown boot on his right footpaw

Just the clothes that he wears and the weapons he carries, a cutlass and a dagger.

Greeneye is apathetic to the world around him, though he goes against his father's wishes out of spite. He is argumentative, quick to anger, and generally does not care to speak to anyone he doesn’t immediately know. Greeneye does not respond well to authority and generally lashes out against it. He is callous and aloof towards other creatures, and he keeps his true feelings hidden from the world.

Years living on his father's ship have made Greeneye a capable fighter and sailor. His father did not coddle him, leaving him to fend for himself amongst the other pirates, so he had to learn to survive very quickly.

Greeneye is exceptionally antisocial and struggles to be civil when talking to any creature he doesn't know, especially woodlanders. He is also hotheaded, tends to get into arguments, and brawls easily.

Greeneye is the son of a powerful pirate lord, and he was under a lot of pressure in his youth. He resented his father and only found comfort from his adoptive mother, Eira, and later his friend Silvertongue. Over the seasons, Greeneye’s relationship with Silvertongue became more intimate and had to be hidden. Greeneye eventually learned of his fathers plan to leave his army to Greeneye after he dies. This pushed him to elope with his mate, and try and flee from his father in order to live his life the way he wants to.