General Setting Questions And New Player Information
So what's the deal with this whole "Vulpine Imperium" anyway?
The Vulpine Imperium is a WRPG (Writing Roleplaying Game) set in a universe very loosely based on Brian Jacque's Redwall books. On this site players take the role of anthropomorphic characters and serve in the Imperium's Navy, factions, or simply lives their life how they wish as a landlubber partaking in various plots and schemes. It is generally set in an 18th century setting during the Age of Sail, although gunpowder is currently restricted to the artillery found on ships in and defensive fortifications to enable melee and bows to still be relevant (and justified IC by metallurgy not being good enough yet for cost efficient firearms). Early steam engines can be found on the Imperium's ships as well, used mostly to heat the ship in colder climates and enable a speed boost during combat or travel, although coal supplies are limited.
Do I need to have read the Redwall books to play?
It's encouraged to read a few of the books, but not mandatory by any means, this version of the Vulpine Imperium is made to be accessible to anyone wanting to play anthro characters. Basically all you need to know is that in the books "Woodlanders" (Mice, Squirrels, Badgers, Hares, Moles, Voles, etc) were considered "good" and that the "Vermin" species (Foxes, Wildcats, Wolverines, Rats, Mustelids, Lizards) were considered "bad". The Vulpine Imperium breaks from this tradition separating species from morality, however. In the new version of the Imperium there might still be some speciest tension between the two groups because of historical bad blood (and suspicion towards the new "exotic" species), but everybeast is equal under the eyes of the Empress and her flag.
You said the site was originally established in 2003. Do I need to learn 21 years of history to begin playing?
Nope! The modern site is designed to have you roleplay from just the history thread alone. We do have veterans who you can ask questions of though if you wish.
What species are allowed?
The new version of the Imperium is going to allow all Woodlander and Vermin species, and new "exotic" species (think more variants of canines, cats, etc) so long as the VI Staff approves them. The only species not available are fish and birds because of the protein requirements of the setting, although sentient birds may be a thing in the future, we will see.
What should I look at in order to get started?
Take a look at the following threads in order to get started.
Roleplaying Rules
Character Creation Rules
Basic History of the Imperium
Ministries and Departments of the Imperium
Factions of the Imperium
Locations of the Imperium
Locations of Bully Harbor
Naval Ranks of the Imperium
Do I have to join a ship?
You do not have to join a ship, but it is highly encouraged since it is the Age of Sail and one of the bigger focuses on the site.
What is the currency called?
The official currency of the Imperium is called the Imperial Gilder, Gilder for short.
So what's the deal with this whole "Vulpine Imperium" anyway?
The Vulpine Imperium is a WRPG (Writing Roleplaying Game) set in a universe very loosely based on Brian Jacque's Redwall books. On this site players take the role of anthropomorphic characters and serve in the Imperium's Navy, factions, or simply lives their life how they wish as a landlubber partaking in various plots and schemes. It is generally set in an 18th century setting during the Age of Sail, although gunpowder is currently restricted to the artillery found on ships in and defensive fortifications to enable melee and bows to still be relevant (and justified IC by metallurgy not being good enough yet for cost efficient firearms). Early steam engines can be found on the Imperium's ships as well, used mostly to heat the ship in colder climates and enable a speed boost during combat or travel, although coal supplies are limited.
Do I need to have read the Redwall books to play?
It's encouraged to read a few of the books, but not mandatory by any means, this version of the Vulpine Imperium is made to be accessible to anyone wanting to play anthro characters. Basically all you need to know is that in the books "Woodlanders" (Mice, Squirrels, Badgers, Hares, Moles, Voles, etc) were considered "good" and that the "Vermin" species (Foxes, Wildcats, Wolverines, Rats, Mustelids, Lizards) were considered "bad". The Vulpine Imperium breaks from this tradition separating species from morality, however. In the new version of the Imperium there might still be some speciest tension between the two groups because of historical bad blood (and suspicion towards the new "exotic" species), but everybeast is equal under the eyes of the Empress and her flag.
You said the site was originally established in 2003. Do I need to learn 21 years of history to begin playing?
Nope! The modern site is designed to have you roleplay from just the history thread alone. We do have veterans who you can ask questions of though if you wish.
What species are allowed?
The new version of the Imperium is going to allow all Woodlander and Vermin species, and new "exotic" species (think more variants of canines, cats, etc) so long as the VI Staff approves them. The only species not available are fish and birds because of the protein requirements of the setting, although sentient birds may be a thing in the future, we will see.
What should I look at in order to get started?
Take a look at the following threads in order to get started.
Roleplaying Rules
Character Creation Rules
Basic History of the Imperium
Ministries and Departments of the Imperium
Factions of the Imperium
Locations of the Imperium
Locations of Bully Harbor
Naval Ranks of the Imperium
Do I have to join a ship?
You do not have to join a ship, but it is highly encouraged since it is the Age of Sail and one of the bigger focuses on the site.
What is the currency called?
The official currency of the Imperium is called the Imperial Gilder, Gilder for short.