Duchess Dusk Rainblade

Duchess Dusk Rainblade

Minister of Misanthropy
Staff member

[td width="27.6871%"]Age[/td][td width="72.3129%"]58[/td]

[td width="27.6871%"]Species[/td][td width="72.3129%"]Fox[/td]

[td width="27.6871%"]Gender[/td][td width="72.3129%"]Femme[/td]

[td width="27.6871%"]Height[/td][td width="72.3129%"]Rather on the short side of average[/td]

[td width="27.6871%"]Weight[/td][td width="72.3129%"]Rather thin and lithe, though a sedentary lifestyle is challenging this[/td]

[td width="27.6871%"]Skill Rank[/td][td width="72.3129%"]Expert spy and seductress, Professional administrator, Veteran close quarters combatant, Experienced disguise artist, Rookie dancer, Rookie lace embroiderer[/td]

[td width="27.6871%"]Rank (Official)[/td][td width="72.3129%"]Minister of Misanthropy; "The Director" of the Director's Men[/td]

[td width="27.6871%"]Alignment (Optional)[/td][td width="72.3129%"]Neutral Evil[/td]


The Duchess Dusk Rainblade is a red fox of middling age, some of her fur starting to go to pale or to white. She has carefully styled a small poof of fur grown longer between her ears, usually augmented with an accessory of some kind to hide its thinning consistency. In her present role she wears fashionable styles from Amarone, reportedly commissioned from a former student of the royal tailor. Her newfound penchant for pastels is a disarming contrast to her role as the master of the Imperium's spy network.


A small fortune in artwork, novelties, and antiquities of dubious provenance
A manor in Zann's Backyard purchased from the estate of former mayor Anithias Freedom (deceased) and upgraded with several safe rooms and security measures
The Dark Judge Brushes, twin bespoke stilettos that belonged first to her sister Tanya "Rainblade" Ryalor and later her niece Armina Rogue


Dusk Rainblade has been accused of many things, but altruism, kindness, and genuine goodness of spirit are not among them. She has traveled the world seducing and stealing from the wealthy on all continents, accumulating wealth that she frittered away in pursuing her next marks. She's had fleeting brushes with attempts at finding meaning in her life, but when push comes to shove has always returned to what she knows best.
That is not to say she is heartless. Now fast approaching her winter years, Dusk is more contemplative than she once was, and is starting to turn her attention to matters of legacy. She is determined to leave behind her mark upon the world by one means or another. She is also taking an increased interest in the beasts under her authority, as much to live vicariously through their triumphs as to build an institution she hopes will exceed the accomplishments of her predecessors.


Dusk is a talented spy and con artist, one who has ruthlessly played her way into the halls of power. At various times she has played assassin, seductress, double agent, exotic dancer, chief of staff to a minister of misanthropy, mobster, Ryalor functionary, and all-around beast of criminal intent. This varied resumé has given her a wide variety of skills, some of which are now retired in light of her new position. This widely varied life experience, surprisingly, makes her a highly effective mentor to her agents, whom she regards with an almost maternal interest.


Dusk's life has left her with little in the way of personal relationships as she's grown older, and as age catches up to her, she finds herself filled with regrets. She fears becoming incapable and dependent upon others, a position she exploited so often in many of her marks. Her growing paranoia makes it difficult for her to trust others; she expects to see her own ruthlessness and ambition in those around her, and fears being stabbed in the back. Beyond this, she is not a talented combatant; most of her skills are socially based, and only in close quarters does she become deadly.


Dusk Rainblade has led a tragic life. As a young girl she and her two siblings, Tanya and Valdrisk, were orphaned leaving them to fend for themselves. Dusk was lucky enough to be found and adopted by a rich old couple with no children of their own, who endeavored to give her everything she desired. Tragedy struck the day after her eighteenth birthday when they were found to have both sleepwalked off their bedroom balcony to the courtyard three floors below. The grieving heiress stuck around only long enough to settle her family's estate and sell all their property before departing on a world tour to 'find herself'.
The next few years of Dusk's life become difficult to track; a vixen matching her description appeared in the gossip columns of several countries as the mistress of wealthy individuals who suddenly suffered terrible fates, leaving their entire estates to a vixen who disappeared with all their wealth. This trail of misfortune eventually led her back to Billy Harbor, where she unhappily reunited with her only surviving family. Eventually they one by one succumbed to a mixture of alcoholism and psychosis, leaving her as the sole surviving Rainblade.
During her time in Bully Harbor she adopted the alias Dawn Mistrunner and inserted herself into the Director's Men as "the Dark Star" or more professionally as Chief of Intelligence, while also functioning as informal chief of staff for the minister of misanthropy. Eventually her power moves saw his ouster and her elevated to temporary co-minister just in time for the outbreak of the Vulpinsulan civil war. During this time she disappeared once more, and it wasn't until the elevation of the new Empress that Dusk Rainblade returned to the Harbor, this time in possession of a small fortune in bearer bonds, various collectible items from around the world, and documentation indicating her ascent to a duchy in Cape Maquistry. This was investigated and reluctantly validated since every other possible heir to the title had recently passed away of a sudden outbreak of food poisoning from contaminated shellfish.
Following a closed-door meeting with Minster of Innovation Tallinn Ryalor, Duchess Dusk Rainblade was abruptly announced as the new Minister of Misanthropy, tasked with whatever mysterious business that ministry does. She has thrown herself into the role with enthusiasm, intent upon rebuilding her own Director's Men.
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