Morgan Liu
Crewmember: Seabeast
[td width="15.5338%"]Age[/td][td width="84.4662%"]19[/td]
[td width="15.5338%"]Species[/td][td width="84.4662%"]Ferret[/td]
[td width="15.5338%"]Gender[/td][td width="84.4662%"]Femme[/td]
[td width="15.5338%"]Height[/td][td width="84.4662%"]Medium height for a femme[/td]
[td width="15.5338%"]Weight[/td][td width="84.4662%"]Slim frame but a brawler's build[/td]
[td width="15.5338%"]Skill Ranks[/td][td width="84.4662%"]Professional brawler, Professional card player, Experienced in world languages, Experienced piercing artist, Rookie fashionista, Rookie field medic[/td]
[td width="15.5338%"]Rank (Official)[/td][td width="84.4662%"]Landlubber (for now)[/td]
[td width="15.5338%"]Alignment (Optional)[/td][td width="84.4662%"]Chaotic Good[/td]
Morgan is a champagne/sandy ferret at the end of her teenage years. She has adopted an aesthetic her mother Bezine derides as 'punk', wearing more masculine button-down shirts under a dark leather jacket, a choker she has studded with small metal spikes, and a conjoined assortment of spiked earrings running up her left ear. Despite having a rather slim frame, her musculature denotes an experienced brawler.
-Leather jacket
-Gauze for wrapping her wrists (and her injuries)
-A deck of playing cards flecked with blood, some of it her own
-A cobbled-together piercing set
Morgan has grown into a vivacious and outgoing young jill, one who chafes against her adoptive mothers' protective tendencies. Like most all teenagers, she yearns to prove her independence and occasionally takes delight in thumbing her nose at her parents' restrictions. Her drive to prove herself leads her into situations that vex her parents, most prominently sneaking out or staying out late to drink, gamble, and get into fights. She is self-taught as a piercing artist and has even done a few of her own, despite the dubious wisdom of that practice. She insists on cleaning up after her own injuries, even when that means hiding a bruised rib from her mothers for several weeks. Despite her recent teenage rebellion, she deeply loves her parents and appreciates the effort they've put into raising her, though she wishes they would both recognize her as an adult and stop treating her so much as a child.
Morgan is scrappy in a fight and a quick, instinctive brawler. She has developed a good tolerance for pain (mostly through very painful experience) and is rarely one to back down from a fight. When confronted with a challenge, she will stubbornly keep trying to tackle it until she finds a way forward, though she often fails to think the problem through first.
Morgan's headstrong attitude tends to get her into trouble as often as it gets her out of it. She rarely stands down from a challenge and frequently gets herself in over her head, leading to very painful lessons in her lack of invulnerability. Her bellicose nature can alienate more people than it wins over, and her stubbornness can keep her from seeking even necessary medical attention, preferring to do things for herself that should really be left to professionals.
Morgan was an orphan of the upheaval that swept the world following the solar flares. Both her parents lost, she was living on the street, fighting off other street kits, even the bigger ones, to get and keep enough food to survive. When she was found by a ferret named Eirene Liu, she reluctantly agreed to be sheltered for the night, and before she knew it, she was fully adopted by Eirene and her wife Bezine D'Oiravere. While Morgan never bonded as tightly with Bezine, she developed a very close relationship with Eirene, who taught her self-defense skills that would come in handy throughout her life. She didn't take nearly as much to her parents' artistic hobbies, preferring instead to run wild outside the house, still getting into plenty of scrapes. As she grew up, these escapades grew more violent, often ending in Morgan coming home bruised and battered, much to her parents' dismay. With both concerned that Morgan needed a change of scenery in order to break her problematic tendencies, and with the Vulpine Imperium restored to normalcy, Bezine and Eirene made the decision to move the family to the Vulpinsula, much to Morgan's consternation.
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