[td width="45.8511%"] Age: [/td][td width="54.0425%"] 31 [/td]
[td width="45.8511%"] Species: [/td][td width="54.0425%"] Stoat [/td]
[td width="45.8511%"] Gender: [/td][td width="54.0425%"] Male [/td]
[td width="45.8511%"] Height: [/td][td width="54.0425%"] Short for a stoat [/td]
[td width="45.8511%"] Build: [/td][td width="54.0425%"] Slight [/td]
[td width="45.8511%"] Rank (Skill): [/td]
[td width="54.0425%"]
- Veteran rapier duelist
- Professional inventor
- Professional navigator
- Professional gambler
- Experienced pugilist (drunk)
- Rookie pugilist (sober)
[td width="45.8511%"] Rank (Official): [/td][td width="54.0425%"] First Mate (Golden Hide) [/td]
[td width="45.8511%"] Alignment: [/td][td width="54.0425%"] Neutral Good [/td]
Like his churlish sire, Young Gyles is a runt of a stoat, closer in size to a least weasel, with maple-gold fur and satin-white throat, paws, and belly. On land, Gyles upholds the Stowett magnanimity by dressing yet more sumptuously than his dear old dad, in a silver brocade tailcoat with black upper lapels and red satin lower lapel facings, black satin vest, and pristine white silk jabot. When at sea, he wears a dark blue waterproofed linen and wool officer's jacket with red trim and buttons and dark red or black wool vest with a neckerchief and tricorne hat, all of which belonged to the elder Gyles before him.
Gyles' eyes are grey-blue, like a brooding storm, or a puddle of not particularly special grey water. He speaks in a languid, posh dialect that is entirely self-coached and often slips into the piratical Slupsian brinewater twang of his old dad.
Gyles carries a swept-hilt cut-and-thrust rapier and shell-guard dagger that belonged to Gyles Ye Firste, as well as a brass spyglass, silver coxswain's whistle, flask of Oulde Scorpion Sting, and a pouch of gilders. He owns Skeered's End, a home estate built from a shipwreck in Bully Harbor proper, as well as a Self-Combustulatinge Torche factory in the Trenches.
Gyles is an adventurous soul seasoned with hard decades before the mast and harder liquor. He can be naive at times, especially among friends, but has grown more wary over the years. Still, he often impulsively jumps after a good deal wherever he can find it.
He is inquisitive and inventive, having created the famed Self-Combustulatinge Torche. He is ambitious and entrepreneurial to a fault, always on the lookout for ways to make a gilder, and enjoys gambling for this reason, maybe enjoys gambling too much. Gyles is a creature of great expectations; this can be confused for simple vainglory, but it is born more from an eagerness to prove himself and be recognized among peers. He is a frequent drinker, a habit earned from his sire. He fears many things, especially talking seagulls, but most of all, he fears being no more than an inksmudge in the footnotes of Imperium history.
Thinks outside-the-box
Excellent duellist
Accomplished pugillist when drunk
Not easily deterred from goals
Drinks too much Oulde Scorpion Sting grog
Borderline ludomanic
"Business deals"
Loves gilders
Greatly fears talking seagulls
Gyles Figginroy Stowett ye Seconde, also known as Young Gyles, of the not-so-ancient yet fiercely proud House of Stowett, was born on Merry 12 in the year of His Grace the Emperor 1734 to Gyles Stowett Ye Firste and Frenata Spotche. This auspicious date marked a year since the notorious Rampage of Bully Harbor by the Coalition of Those Who Do Not Wish Us Well, an event that culminated in the wreck of his father’s assignment, the Skeered of Nothing.
Gyles' sire, the miscreant Gyles F. Stowett Ye Firste, a self-aggrandizing stoat who insists on being called "The Captain" (even the young Gyles found this markedly strange, since his sire had never risen beyond chief petty beast in the Navy), worked with what he could from the Skeered’s remains and transformed its charred skeleton into a ramshackle home, dubbing the beautified corpse Skeered’s End. It was within the End's creaking, wind-battered walls that young Gyles grew up, spoon-fed on a constant diet of his old dad's grandiose tales—stories of epic sea battles, lost loves, exotic lands, and treasures beyond imagining (all of them buried in conveniently faraway locations).
But the household was a powderkeg lit by Oulde Scorpion Sting, the Captain's vice of choice. The drink fueled endless rows between the old jack and Gyles's jill mother, Frenata Spotche, a high-society stoatess who had long grown weary of the elder Stowett's destitute living and pretentious claims of hidden fortunes. One final, explosive argument sent Frenata packing, taking with her what little of value remained in Skeered's End—including the young Gyles.
Before Gyles Ye Seconde was whisked away to the uncertain refuge of his mother's sister’s cousin's in Bully Harbor, the miraculously momentarily sober Captain bequeathed his son a single heirloom: the family’s "legendary" rapier, once wielded by his own sire, Murdglint. The moment Gyles felt the weight of the blade in his paw, a fire was kindled within him—a burning desire to carve out a destiny that would eclipse even the Captain's fireside tales.
With what few meager gilders he could scrape from the floorboards of the Captain's berth, a blue officer's coat trimmed in faded red, and the rapier at his side, young Gyles set off to follow in his father’s wake. In 1753 he signed aboard the Golden Hide and plunged headlong into the treacherous waters of the unknown. Along the way, he found the life of the Captain's stories; due to his charisma and wretched beginnings dressed in fancy trappings, he was able to float between circles of wealth and penury, making as many friends in sackcloth as in silk.
Eleven years passed, and Gyles returned home in 1764 a changed beast— far-flung voyages, countless battles, encounters with talking seagulls, and a knack for invention had made a successful businessbeast, gentlestoat, and senior officer in the Navy out of the younger Stowett. He expected, naturally, a triumphant reunion with the senior Stowett, whose tales had shaped his every dream- a night of regaling, sailor to sailor, son to father and father to son, over a tankard of Oulde Scorpion Sting -but Skeered's End greeted him with nothing but deafening hollowness. The elder Gyles had vanished without a trace, leaving the End to the cobwebs and rot.
Like his churlish sire, Young Gyles is a runt of a stoat, closer in size to a least weasel, with maple-gold fur and satin-white throat, paws, and belly. On land, Gyles upholds the Stowett magnanimity by dressing yet more sumptuously than his dear old dad, in a silver brocade tailcoat with black upper lapels and red satin lower lapel facings, black satin vest, and pristine white silk jabot. When at sea, he wears a dark blue waterproofed linen and wool officer's jacket with red trim and buttons and dark red or black wool vest with a neckerchief and tricorne hat, all of which belonged to the elder Gyles before him.
Gyles' eyes are grey-blue, like a brooding storm, or a puddle of not particularly special grey water. He speaks in a languid, posh dialect that is entirely self-coached and often slips into the piratical Slupsian brinewater twang of his old dad.
Gyles carries a swept-hilt cut-and-thrust rapier and shell-guard dagger that belonged to Gyles Ye Firste, as well as a brass spyglass, silver coxswain's whistle, flask of Oulde Scorpion Sting, and a pouch of gilders. He owns Skeered's End, a home estate built from a shipwreck in Bully Harbor proper, as well as a Self-Combustulatinge Torche factory in the Trenches.
Gyles is an adventurous soul seasoned with hard decades before the mast and harder liquor. He can be naive at times, especially among friends, but has grown more wary over the years. Still, he often impulsively jumps after a good deal wherever he can find it.
He is inquisitive and inventive, having created the famed Self-Combustulatinge Torche. He is ambitious and entrepreneurial to a fault, always on the lookout for ways to make a gilder, and enjoys gambling for this reason, maybe enjoys gambling too much. Gyles is a creature of great expectations; this can be confused for simple vainglory, but it is born more from an eagerness to prove himself and be recognized among peers. He is a frequent drinker, a habit earned from his sire. He fears many things, especially talking seagulls, but most of all, he fears being no more than an inksmudge in the footnotes of Imperium history.
Thinks outside-the-box
Excellent duellist
Accomplished pugillist when drunk
Not easily deterred from goals
Drinks too much Oulde Scorpion Sting grog
Borderline ludomanic
"Business deals"
Loves gilders
Greatly fears talking seagulls
Gyles Figginroy Stowett ye Seconde, also known as Young Gyles, of the not-so-ancient yet fiercely proud House of Stowett, was born on Merry 12 in the year of His Grace the Emperor 1734 to Gyles Stowett Ye Firste and Frenata Spotche. This auspicious date marked a year since the notorious Rampage of Bully Harbor by the Coalition of Those Who Do Not Wish Us Well, an event that culminated in the wreck of his father’s assignment, the Skeered of Nothing.
Gyles' sire, the miscreant Gyles F. Stowett Ye Firste, a self-aggrandizing stoat who insists on being called "The Captain" (even the young Gyles found this markedly strange, since his sire had never risen beyond chief petty beast in the Navy), worked with what he could from the Skeered’s remains and transformed its charred skeleton into a ramshackle home, dubbing the beautified corpse Skeered’s End. It was within the End's creaking, wind-battered walls that young Gyles grew up, spoon-fed on a constant diet of his old dad's grandiose tales—stories of epic sea battles, lost loves, exotic lands, and treasures beyond imagining (all of them buried in conveniently faraway locations).
But the household was a powderkeg lit by Oulde Scorpion Sting, the Captain's vice of choice. The drink fueled endless rows between the old jack and Gyles's jill mother, Frenata Spotche, a high-society stoatess who had long grown weary of the elder Stowett's destitute living and pretentious claims of hidden fortunes. One final, explosive argument sent Frenata packing, taking with her what little of value remained in Skeered's End—including the young Gyles.
Before Gyles Ye Seconde was whisked away to the uncertain refuge of his mother's sister’s cousin's in Bully Harbor, the miraculously momentarily sober Captain bequeathed his son a single heirloom: the family’s "legendary" rapier, once wielded by his own sire, Murdglint. The moment Gyles felt the weight of the blade in his paw, a fire was kindled within him—a burning desire to carve out a destiny that would eclipse even the Captain's fireside tales.
With what few meager gilders he could scrape from the floorboards of the Captain's berth, a blue officer's coat trimmed in faded red, and the rapier at his side, young Gyles set off to follow in his father’s wake. In 1753 he signed aboard the Golden Hide and plunged headlong into the treacherous waters of the unknown. Along the way, he found the life of the Captain's stories; due to his charisma and wretched beginnings dressed in fancy trappings, he was able to float between circles of wealth and penury, making as many friends in sackcloth as in silk.
Eleven years passed, and Gyles returned home in 1764 a changed beast— far-flung voyages, countless battles, encounters with talking seagulls, and a knack for invention had made a successful businessbeast, gentlestoat, and senior officer in the Navy out of the younger Stowett. He expected, naturally, a triumphant reunion with the senior Stowett, whose tales had shaped his every dream- a night of regaling, sailor to sailor, son to father and father to son, over a tankard of Oulde Scorpion Sting -but Skeered's End greeted him with nothing but deafening hollowness. The elder Gyles had vanished without a trace, leaving the End to the cobwebs and rot.
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