Eirene Liu

[td width="50.0000%"]Age[/td][td width="50.0000%"]52[/td]

[td width="50.0000%"]Species[/td][td width="50.0000%"]Ferret[/td]

[td width="50.0000%"]Gender[/td][td width="50.0000%"]Femme[/td]

[td width="50.0000%"]Height[/td][td width="50.0000%"]Slightly short for a femme[/td]

[td width="50.0000%"]Weight[/td][td width="50.0000%"]Slightly stocky[/td]

[td width="50.0000%"]Skill Rank[/td][td width="50.0000%"]Professional melee fighter (glaive), Professional guardsbeast, Experienced parent, Experienced spy, Rookie brush calligrapher, Rookie painter[/td]

[td width="50.0000%"]Rank (Official)[/td][td width="50.0000%"]None / Landlubber[/td]

[td width="50.0000%"]Alignment (Optional)[/td][td width="50.0000%"]Neutral Good[/td]


Eirene Liu (proper name Liu Ai'lin) is a femme ferret of black fur with white accents, old enough to easily be believed a mother to her adult adoptive daughter Morgan Liu. In her various employments (mostly as a guard) she wears the uniform of the organization, but as a freelancer she prefers a curious set of bespoke black leather armor with a dark cloak. Her weapon of choice is a crescent glaive, one which she insists on carrying with her from post to post.

-Crescent glaive
-Black leather armor with cloak
-A curious bespoke iron mask with unique flowing cutout designs
-An ink brush calligraphy set with imported rice paper
-A wicker basket containing a hairy pet spider
-A silver wedding band


Eirene Liu was once animated by a ironclad disbelief in the ability of the average beast to solve their own problems, a perspective that made her an easy recruit for the apocalyptic Verfolger cult. Since their collapse in the wake of the unrest caused by the solar flares, Eirene's perspective has changed completely. On the run with her lover (and later wife) Bezine D'Oiravere, she witnessed numerous acts of incredible kindness and community that rekindled her belief in the goodness of the bestial heart. While she still isn't convinced that the power of governments and institutions will be yielded to good ends, she eagerly signs up for roles as a guardsbeast or community protector to, as she sees it, enable the community to flourish in safety. While she and her family (including her adoptive daughter Morgan) have had to hide their true relationship and even flee a few times to avoid worsening social tensions, she holds a firm belief that prejudice is born of ignorance, not malice. Nonetheless, when pressed, she moves without hesitance to protect her wife and daughter, and is far more willing to stand up for Bezine than either are for themselves.


Trained by the secretive Verfolger cult, Eirene is a deadly foe with her glaive, a nameless instrument she has carried and cared for across decades. Though she isn't quite as dangerous as she was in her youth, her continuous employment as a guard of some kind has kept her fit. Moreso than Bezine, she has thrown herself into mothering Morgan, taking a proactive role in raising the young jill. She knows several world languages at least passably, though her heavy accent is impossible to miss. She is an expressive calligrapher and uses the traditional art form for gifts and well-wishes to others, embracing the tradition native to her homeland as a tie to her culture. Her recent forays into ink brush painting has been someone less successful.


Eirene's willingness to give the benefit of the doubt to others sometimes leaves her and those she cares about vulnerable, creating more trouble for them than her wife believes it's worth. Both Bezine and Morgan are points of vulnerability for Eirene, and when they are threatened, she can be goaded into danger or forced to stand down. She has a strong sense of fairness and justice that can leave her flummoxed and disillusioned by some of the complexities of the world, especially when there is no clear 'right' path forward.


Eirene grew up in an isolated rural community in a mountainous valley far from the Empire. Her father, pressed into military service by one of the warlords who preyed upon the populace, was killed in battle while Eirene was too young to remember him. Her mother was lost in a famine several years later, sacrificing her own food to keep her daughter alive. This experience taught Eirene that the world was incapable of solving its own problems, and the weak were powerless to defend themselves against oppressors. The Verfolger, a secretive and apocalyptic cult expanding into the region, saw potential in her and took her in, training her up as a weapon for their cause. In exchange they offered their protection over her community, keeping them safe so long as Eirene faithfully served.

Eirene performed whatever violent tasks the Verfolger required of her, helping to destabilize governments or assassinate powerful beasts who stood between the Verfolger and their shadowy goals. When the Verfolger turned their eyes upon the Vulpine Imperium, Eirene traveled with them to the continent, entering into frequent combat with the beasts of the Ministry of Misanthropy. She developed a rivalry with a member of their Dusk Watch special unit, a young weasel femme named Bezine D'Oiravere. The pair became frequent combatants and opponents, seeking each other out to test their skill against their foe.

When Bezine disappeared on a foreign mission, Eirene took a break to return home and found a battered Bezine in her hometown, dredged out of the nearby river wearing stolen Verfolger armor and near to death. To her chagrin, the village elders assigned Eirene with caring for the injured Bezine, whom they had surmised was one of the village protector spirits. Over the course of many months the pair's antagonistic relationship slowly gave way to understanding and eventually a halting, reluctant affection. When both put their lives on the line to protect the village from an attacking warlord, they finally admitted their feelings to each other. When they returned to the Imperium, though they were on opposite sides of the conflict, they continued to see each other in secret.

Eventually this secret cost them both everything. The pair were exposed and arrested, Eirene barely managing to escape captivity with the help of the Verfolger. Her carelessness was harshly punished, however, and she was stripped of her rank and status, reduced to that of a neonate. Bezine was similarly cast from the ranks of the Dusk Watch and briefly made her way to the Unsmudgeables, a role in which she didn't last long. When the social collapse of the Imperium was brought on by the ecological disasters of the solar flares, both femmes found each other and fled, seeking safety across the sea.

The next few decades saw them moving from nation to nation every few years, never staying too long in a community before it eventually destabilized and they needed to seek a new home. Along the way they married in secret, both pretending in public to be war widows living together for companionship. When they found an orphaned ferret kit named Morgan, Eirene bonded with the child immediately and adopted her as their daughter. Working as a guard, Eirene endeavored to give her family a sense of stability and security, even as the world churned around them. Now, as the Imperium stabilizes once more, she and her family are returning to Bully Harbor, hoping to find renewed opportunity in a place where they squandered it once before.
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