On Redwall
The Vulpine Imperium has been a part of the ROC (Redwall Online Community) since around 2003, making it one of the oldest sites, and, indeed, many of its past and present members have been recruited from that community. In fact, in the past, it was rather explicitly mentioned that it occurred in the same world as Redwall, with some locations from the books being mentioned and even visited such as Sampetra and the fact that if one walks a fair distance south from Alton Bay, one could actually more or less run into Redwall Abbey itself in full glory. However, that has never been the primary focus of the site, namely visiting locations from the books as they appeared in them and interacting with the likes of say, Martin the Warrior. The current administration has, for many reasons, decided to instead adopt a bit of an “ambiguous” Redwall policy. Namely that the Abbey itself and locations from the books could very well still exist or have existed, with maybe hints and nods for the observant viewer as to the Imperium’s place in the world, but that it is not a focus on the site and will not usually be explored that deeply except on occasions the administrative team see fit.