Recent content by Vihmastaja

  1. V

    The Urk Expedition: Cold in the Crow's Nest

    Vihma hadn't been comfortable being unclothed. Sure, it wasn't in front of the entire crew as she'd almost been before, and in any case she had her fur and her tail to obscure with, but she'd been uncomfortable nevertheless. Still, shedding the damp, cold clothes had been necessary - the doctor...
  2. V

    The Urk Expedition: Cold in the Crow's Nest

    Vihma was feeling warmer just being out of the wind. There was more to it - the Hide just seemed warmer than her previous ship, perhaps on account of the infernal device MinoInn had built inside its hull. She was welcome to it now, stumbling through to the infirmary with her arms over her chest...
  3. V

    The Urk Expedition: Cold in the Crow's Nest

    The climb down was more arduous than it had been going up. She'd been colder then, but it'd been fresh. Her time above had sapped some of her strength and coordination, so the weasel took her time descending, testing that each new line of rope was where she thought it was with her feet before...
  4. V

    The Urk Expedition: Cold in the Crow's Nest

    Vihma slipped Silvertongue's shirt on over herself, still shivering, but glad for the protection it offered. The fox's shirt was still warm, perceptibly so after she'd been so long in the cold. She watched him and his mate begin to try to carry Morgan down, hoping they knew what they were doing...
  5. V

    The Urk Expedition: Cold in the Crow's Nest

    As Silvertongue wrapped Morgan with his jacket, Vihma - though still exposed to the cold - continued to hold tightly to the ferret, trying to warm her, keep her awake. She couldn't much bear to let go of her, though she knew she'd have to eventually. She was surprised when Silvertongue pulled...
  6. V

    The Urk Expedition: Cold in the Crow's Nest

    The weasel was growing more worried by the moment. Morgan could still speak - but she was noticeably slowing down. It looked as though she was about to fall asleep - to sink into the kind of slumber Vihma wasn't sure she'd come out of. "S-stay with m-me, Morgan." Her voice pleading once more...
  7. V

    The Urk Expedition: Cold in the Crow's Nest

    Vihma actually laughed, in spite of everything. It'd taken her a moment to understand what she meant. Well, they were rather snug together. "I t-think that'll be the l-least of my w-worries..." She still felt ashamed for having been publicly reprimanded - and of course stripped down and...
  8. V

    The Urk Expedition: Cold in the Crow's Nest

    Vihma looked away for a moment, so much as she could when Morgan was basically on top of her. If she'd been respected aboard the Hide before, it wasn't likely to be true after this stunt. "Yeh're wrong, m-mate. Afore y-yeh 'n yer mums, I didn't 'ave anybeast. T'was just... d-day by day, waitin'...
  9. V

    The Urk Expedition: Cold in the Crow's Nest

    ((Closed thread with @Morgan Liu, branched from The Urk Expedition)) For a while there was nothing to say. Vihma huddled tightly against Morgan as the two came together, the creamy ferret's fur a stark contrast against her own tawny and gold color. She was warm under her, warm as she could be...
  10. V

    The Urk Expedition

    Vihma was silent too, shivering as the ferret ran her paws through her fur. It wasn't an answer, but it soothed her mind. Morgan wasn't gone - wasn't dead. She was right here with her. A bit of warmth in a cold world. The weasel let her work, almost frozen in place, but becoming more collected...
  11. V

    The Urk Expedition

    Vihma almost flinched feeling Morgan grasp her paw, turning her eyes from the sea to look at the ferret beside her. Morgan. She seemed so resolute. There was a passion to her that she still didn’t understand. The ferret’s first act in the harbor had been to launch herself into a fight for her –...
  12. V

    The Urk Expedition

    Regret had already dominated Vihma's features by the time Ralynn marched towards her, eyes full of fury. Still, she didn't break her salute until the rabbit's fist hit her right in the gut, the weasel immediately keeling over. The blow wasn't the hardest she'd taken - no doubt there hadn't...
  13. V

    The Urk Expedition

    Vihma had been busy belowdecks when the crew summons had gone out. Oh, aye, busy in that way she now tried to find herself, using her rating – and, admittedly, the real experience she’d had with the Urk run from back on the Valdez – to find herself less demanding work to fill out her day. The...
  14. V

    Best Behavior

    The weasel let herself be led, waving to Eirene as they walked down the gangplank. It still felt odd to be almost part of a family again - she was both surprised and a little embarrassed to be hugged, though it felt good, and she returned the embrace. Nobody had seen her off before. "Aye -...
  15. V

    Best Behavior

    Rising back to her feet, the weasel paused for a moment, finding she recognized the beast she'd almost flattened with the crate. "Morgan?" Her eyes widened. "Blimey, it is you! Didn' see you there. Good reflexes, mate." Vihma walked over to her and the battered wooden box, a bit more spirit...