Recent content by Ralynn Waverunner

  1. Ralynn Waverunner

    The Urk Expedition

    Ralynn stands stiffly, watching the half-drowned beasts struggle up the rigging, her expression impassive despite the storm of emotions churning beneath her golden fur. The knotted ropes of the rattan hang loosely in her grip, dripping seawater onto the deck in a steady pattern that matches the...
  2. Ralynn Waverunner

    The Urk Expedition

    Ralynn's nose twitches in suppressed anger at Morgan's chirp to Greeneye. Heat rises beneath her golden fur, a simmering resentment surprising in its intensity. Her mother would have doubled the punishment for such insolence, and that now seems entirely reasonable to the rabbit. The deck boards...
  3. Ralynn Waverunner

    The Urk Expedition

    Ralynn's whiskers twitch in agitation as Vihma bursts forth from the crowd like a cork from a bottle. The golden-furred rabbit feels her patience—already stretched thin as sailcloth in a gale—snap completely. Here Ah am, in charge o' discipline, an' crewbeast after crewbeast cannae follow the...
  4. Ralynn Waverunner

    The Urk Expedition

    The ferret speaks of hope, of becoming something more than one's origins—sentiments that echo painfully in Ralynn's own heart. For isn't that why she herself fled the Cabbagepatch farm, traded her birth name for one that tasted of adventure and salt spray? Isn't that why she stands here now, a...
  5. Ralynn Waverunner

    In Trouble on the First Day

    "Yer spot'll be as ye make it, crewbeast. Ah'll make no pretensions that anybeast has nae foibles an' faults. But Ah can promise tha' Minister daes appreciate competency an' loyalty. Ye dae yer work an' show yersel' tae be ah benefit tae tha' crew, and ye'll find tha rewards equal tha...
  6. Ralynn Waverunner

    In Trouble on the First Day

    Ralynn blinks, taken aback by Morgan's question. For a moment, the rabbit's mask of stern authority slips, revealing a flicker of uncertainty beneath. 'Tis a fair point the jill raises, aye - better to prevent ah superior from makin' ah mistake than to let'em blunder ahead. But the very idea of...
  7. Ralynn Waverunner

    In Trouble on the First Day

    Ralynn's nose twitches in a mixture of annoyance and begrudging agreement as she listens to Morgan's defense. Truth be told, she herself had assumed the ferret had a right to be there, or at least hadn't known enough to say she wasn't supposed to be. But of course, she couldn't let that...
  8. Ralynn Waverunner

    The Urk Expedition

    (Morgan and Ralynn continued in
  9. Ralynn Waverunner

    In Trouble on the First Day

    Branched from Ralynn nods crisply at Talinn's order, her ears snapping to attention. "Aye aye, Minister!" She turns smartly on her heel, fixing Morgan with a stern gaze. "Ye heard 'is Grace. Wit' me, noo." Her voice is firm, brooking no...
  10. Ralynn Waverunner

    The Urk Expedition

    Ralynn's ears droop slightly as Morgan steps forward to vouch for the pair, a twinge of shame pricking at her heart. Mayhaps Ah was a wee bit hasty in mah judgement, she thinks ruefully. The jill seems a canny sort, an' if she trusts 'em... But before she can ponder further, Greeneye explodes...
  11. Ralynn Waverunner

    The Urk Expedition

    Ralynn's ears lay back flat against her skull as she steps forward, her small frame vibrating with indignation. "Here noo," she snaps at the rat, her normally lilting brogue sharp as a whip-crack, "Thair's nae need for such bollocks. Ye'll keep a civil tongue in yer head when speakin' tae tha'...
  12. Ralynn Waverunner

    Ralynn Waverunner

    Name: Ralynn Waverunner (formerly Emily Cabbagepatch) Species: Rabbit Age: 20-22 years (in relative bunny years) Origin: Alton Bay Area Occupation: Imperial Navy Crewmember Skills Dirty Fighting: Experienced Sailing:Professional Acrobatics:Experienced Observation:Experienced Personality Traits...
  13. Ralynn Waverunner

    Jus' hoppy tae be here!

    Jus' hoppy tae be here!
  14. Ralynn Waverunner

    The Urk Expedition

    Ralynn nods crisply, her long ears bouncing slightly with the motion. "Aye, Minister. From their gait an' their talk, Ah reckon tha' twain of'em knoo how to handle themselves ain a ship and could serve as crew," she says, her lilting brogue musical, but carrying all the authority she can muster...