Recent content by Gyles

  1. Gyles

    The Urk Expedition

    For a moment, Gyles still had his eye on Ralynn - her enthusiasm, even overzeal, for the punishment notwithstanding, the rabbit boatswain would need some education in the bird's eye view of things if she was to become a more advanced officer- a great Navy creature knew when to focus on the fine...
  2. Gyles

    The Urk Expedition

    Realizing what Vihmastaja was doing, the young stoat officer hastily averted his eyes before the whole show was on display, flushing slightly. Only a few short days before, it seemed they had been back-to-back, fighting shadowy villains in Bully Harbor's alleyways and rescuing a Duke. She'd...
  3. Gyles

    The Urk Expedition

    The Stowett scion nodded, though he cringed internally. More noble politicking, it must be, having a lead commissioned officer dispatching summons like some errand jack. He did not, however, allow one single whisker to twitch out of turn. He had endured worse - far, far worse. He could live with...
  4. Gyles

    The Urk Expedition

    Gyles shook his head slowly in wonderment, taking in the ferret's grandiose, almost comitragic performance. Was she trying to tie her own noose? What in Gormad's galoshes was she playing at? As first officer of the Golden Hide, and more, half a noble, he might say a few words. To be seen as...
  5. Gyles

    The Urk Expedition

    Gyles' ear perked ever-so-slightly at the words exchanged between fox and rat. There it was again, talk of Greeneye's father. He thought back to the rat's outburst earlier- losing a paw, an eye, and part of a leg -which he had tolerated from an outsider, but would never tolerate from one of the...
  6. Gyles

    The Urk Expedition

    Gyles, who had since sheathed his blade - the act of defending his Minister and lord more instinct than indignation - chewed on this information, now regarding the rat with such a warmth of compassion in his chest that he felt his heart glow. What would ye think o' all this, Cap'n? The Captain...
  7. Gyles

    The Urk Expedition

    Light on his paws, Gyles sprang forward in an instant, keen bladetip hovering dangerously below the rat's chin like an angry wasp. He tut-tutted coolly. "Tsk! Now then, fellah. Devil knows Duke Talinn's gettin' long in the fang - but his hearin's just fine." There was a twinkle of mischief in...
  8. Gyles

    The Urk Expedition

    La! Wonder what the old fellah's up to, eh? All the crew's buzzin' about it like a lot of demmed bees on a honeycomb. For a moment, Gyles Stowett thought to inquire after the particular nature of this "business" the Minister had in mind. Instead, he nodded curtly and held his peace, content to...
  9. Gyles

    Gyles Stowett

    Gyles F. Stowett Ye Seconde Age:31 Species:Stoat Gender:Male Height:Short for a stoat Build:Slight Rank (Skill): Veteran rapier duelist Professional inventor Professional navigator Professional gambler Experienced pugilist (drunk) Rookie pugilist (sober) Rank (Official):First...
  10. Gyles

    Feelin' stoaty

    Feelin' stoaty